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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Yeah, the only time I’ve ever heard the difference in audio quality between flac and 320mp3 is when I’ve been trying to sample parts of songs in Ableton, adjusting the bpm and doing some warping, and you get artifacts. When I listen to music, I have a nice system at home, and I cannot tell the difference. And maybe it’s me, but beyond 20khz basically doesn’t exist.

  • Did you forget where you asked people who downvoted you to identify themselves so you could block them?

    And despite the lyrics being unintelligible to me, they do exist, and when I went and looked them up (on the occasions Spotify didn’t have them), I said oh yeah, there you go.

    I curse too though, all the time.

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.worldtoFuck Subscriptions@lemmy.worldEat shit Spotify.
    4 days ago

    Yep, same. And it’s a good service, and pretty cheap all things considered. Have found a ton of new artists, have played their songs, bought merch from their bandcamps or merch buckets, or whatever, and all because spotify’s stupid algorithm does get it right some time.

    But fuck them, I guess, for not giving enough away in their free to use tier.

  • It’s probably bad parenting, but I tell my daughter that people who litter are bad people. I can probably put it better, but she’s young, simple is good, and so litterers=bad people. I honestly think that to essentially be true, because if you litter, you’ve essentially internally rationalized your entitlement to make your shit someone else’s problem. Right there with people who don’t put their carts back.

    That being said, I do also say to her that sometimes the wind will carry trash from a receptacle, and that sometimes folks have difficulty ambulating, and so there are exceptions.

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldMost annoying feature ever
    1 month ago

    I don’t understand the whole audio quality thing. I have produced (shitty) music, been playing music my whole life, and my ears just don’t had beyond 320, 41k, I guess. I will say, when messing with samples, higher quality led to much less artifacting (practically none with flac), but when I’m just cranking tunes, the returns beyond 320 are nonexistent.

    Suggestions, I’m always open to more. Spotify has been good to me, I discovered some bands and albums that have gone on to be number one in my rotation, and I like all sorts of music and am nostalgic to a fault. But more suggestions is good so I’ll accept that point.

    Podcasts I can take or leave, although as I mentioned I discovered the stupid Smartless podcast because of Spotify so I need to give them a nod there.

    So yeah that’s it, that’s all I got! Thanks for taking!

  • Dozzi92@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldMost annoying feature ever
    1 month ago

    Do you and I live on a different planet? I grew up when you downloaded actual poor quality music. I stream Spotify at the highest bitrate it has, and it sounds fine. I have a nice system at home.

    You talk about features and whatnot, and admittedly I am a simple user. I have albums I like, I turn on album and listen through cover to cover. I throw on Smartless, because for some reason I find Jason Bateman and Will Arnett’s abuse of Sean Hughes to be endearing.

    As per usual, people on Lemmy seem to make up problems, and it ruins any sort of argument against anything. Spotify’s audio quality is not the issue. The issue is obviously the artist remuneration. To create this fake argument is to dilute any worthwhile argument, but Lemmy and Reddit before it seems to take this tack wherever possible.

    I have discovered numerous artists because of Spotify. Spotify has linked me to their tickets (albeit Live Nation and fuck them) and merch stores, and I’ve bought their shitty tshirts and vinyls. I would say that’s a benefit. And I like some obscure nonsense.

    Is it perfect? I don’t like how Spotify has handled its personnel. I think they can make their business model related to plays a little more friendly, but holy shit, the idealism here is ridiculous. You have people demanding perfection, without recognizing the alternative is nothing.