not surprising. did you see how they threw that dictator want to be out. very bad precedence to set for americans. Plus with kim being putins boss its good to impress him.
Trump really called South Korea “snowflake”
Wow. My country is in the hands of a literal spoiled child.
What if trump decides to ally with north korea? north korea is helping out russia and trump seems to like Kim Jung un.
No one anywhere would be even a little surprised. In some weird twisted calculus, maybe it would somehow mean fewer north koreans would starve to death that year.
Analysts read the decision as the US government sending a stern warning to counter the calls for independent nuclear armament that have recently been surfacing in South Korea.
Experts suggested the most likely reason for South Korea’s sudden placement on the sensitive country list has to do with growing calls for independent nuclear armament, which have been proliferating among South Korean politicians and conservatives.
So, the likely reason is that SK wants nukes and USA is saying “No”. Make of that what you will.
Also, an interesting tidbit:
The announcement explained that South Korea and three other countries would be added as of April 15 to the sensitive country list, which currently includes India, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan.
I couldn’t find what the other 3 countries are.
Oh man… Are we already in WW3?
I mean I guess it won’t be called that unless it really kicks off but this is feeling again like one of those horrible slow preludes that gets roped into the syllabus.
Glad to see we are turning on all our friends. Well done Orange Turd.
Of course they hate South Korea.
South Korea actually knows how to deal with fascist dictators.
It’s not just that, tesla is competing with Hyundai in evs.
South Korea should start cooperating and doing more business with the other sanctioned countries