I thought dick measuring contests in legal courts was the go-to “I have so much money and I don’t know how to spend it!” of big companies
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
I thought dick measuring contests in legal courts was the go-to “I have so much money and I don’t know how to spend it!” of big companies
Or DYson Bubbles, which would also “cover” enough “surface” to be viable without needing god knows how many planets’ worth of material
Can we please go back to making programs for the target OS and skip the browser dependency?
Age of Empires was, afaik, the first RTS with UI on the bottom, Starcraft and Warcraft 3 both took inspiration from it, though they differed slightly on placement of information
They did, then Britain came along and pulled a deepseek on them :)
So did I, but then there’s OP’s post, which made me think this isn’t universal
Ok, now where can we get a printer to print that?
It’s stuff like this that makes me amazed at how advanced Brazil is in some regards (or how backwards USA is). We can, from the comfort of a banking app (that can make instant money transfers to any other bank, free of charge), set up automatic payment of utilities like phone, electricity and water, no extra bank bullshit hidden charges applied.
How do you study when your entire body is urging you to bang your head to the tune?
My dummy’s perspective: titanfall parkour, minus titans, plus metroid prime ball rolling
Any rock flying towards you over a certain speed can be considered a fatal weakness
Some parts are continuous projections, like the face and torso, which are “closed” geometric objects. I don’t know exactly how the HL human mesh is, whether separated in different chunks or fully joined in a single 3D object, but either would work if the faces are properly pointed to the specific pixel regions
GPS apps made people forget how to navigate on their own
Not really, tho. It makes it easier to get to places you’re unfamiliar with easily. Maybe it makes the “becoming familiar” less important for the brain.
Truly the English specialty: stealing stuff from other people.
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” - I think Samuel Johnson’s original meaning, of complaining about “false” patriots, strongly applies to your distaste for the flag. The idiots we see proudly waving their country flags (in Brazil, that’d be the bozonaristas) are using them as a cover for their prejudices and stupidity. They wouldn’t be able to name a single thing they like about the country they love.
executives act like parasites
For a better visualization of how a human would look on the mercator projection, look no further than old games’ 3D textures, like this one from Half Life: https://www.textures-resource.com/fullview/6384/?source=genre
More likely, he’ll delete the community note
Old people really do smell different tho.
cis men, from the looks of it