Cross posted from Discuit
I wonder if this has been substantiated in any way. If so, it would carry a great deal more meaning to everyone.
Either way, the whole DOGE experiment is nuts.
sad stuff… people voting against their interests
They vote as they dobecause they’re so impressionable. It’s also why there’s a huge overlap of religious nutjobs and Republicans.
How the fuck did democrats go from the party that hates misinformation to the party that believes implausible posts on a platform known to be full nonsense because it fits a cute narrative?
How did getting laid off during cutbacks go from commonplace to implausible? Are you taking the wrong meds?
Nobody is this stupid. You’re being intentionally dishonest.
USDA isn’t the private sector. There are strict rules against firing the vast majority of employees. It’s why Trump has largely gone after probationary employees, as they have less protections. Even that has been wrapped up in several different ongoing court cases.
There are also mortgage forbearance programs designed for temporary job loss. Even without them, foreclosure is a lengthy process. It’s not something that’s initiated after one missed payment.
So for this story to be true:
- OP, a progressive Twitter influencer, lives next to a hardcore MAGA republican. Unlikely, but relatively common
- Said MAGA republican is also a federal government employee. More unlikely, but still relatively common
- Said federal government employee is among the roughly 10 percent of government workers that are probationary. Relatively rare, but not unheard of
- Despite being new to federal employment and federal employment known for someone that you do for the long haul for pension reasons, OP’s neighbor has the money to buy a house. Relatively rare, but not unheard of
- Despite having the finances for a home, is in such dire straits that the only option after one missed paycheck is to sell their home. Very rare, but not unheard of
- Despite being very into politics and a government employee, is wholly unaware of the pending legal actions against said firing, including the current rulings reversing the staffing cuts.
All of this is possible. The world is a strange place. However the confluence of all those things being true is highly improbable, perfectly matches the “dumb conservatives gonna regret their choice” narrative progressive influencers push, and is sourced from a platform known for being full of misinformation and bait.
Ah, the classic anything I don’t agree with is fake news.
- On Twitter, the site known for random misinformation
- OP knows their neighbor well enough to know where they work, despite that not being nearly as common these days and OP not seeming like the kind of guy that would befriend Trump supporters
- OP’s neighbor is one of the minority of federal workers who are probationary employees, because that’s the only group Elon has been able to really fire right now
- OP’s neighbor simultaneously being a homeowner with a previously-stable job, but being in such dire financial straits that simply missing two paychecks results in a complete crashout.
- OP’s neighbor then selling the house instead of taking advantage of the large number of hardship programs that would be available for someone with issues paying their mortgage, at least temporarily.
Like is this possible? Yes. However it’s highly implausible, and conveniently matches the whole “stupid Drunpf supporters regret their decision” narrative that both Lemmy and reddit absolutely adore. To take this at any sort of face value without any genuine shred of concrete evidence is insane.
OP’s neighbor is one of the minority of federal workers who are probationary employees, because that’s the only group Elon has been able to really fire right now
This part isn’t true. At this point, probably over half of the fired workers were permanent, from agencies that are closing or are implementing RIFs. Most are still drawing paychecks, but budgeting does (and should) change once someone is informed that they’ll be out of a job in the next month or two.
For many agencies, these satellite offices often have monopsony power over workers of certain job skills. NOAA and the National Weather Service employ a lot of people who have job functions not really available from another employer, especially without moving. The same is true of NIH and CDC. HHS just announced the closure of several lawyer offices, and those specialists are going to have a bit of a rough time finding replacement jobs. USDA is a big organization, and have a ton of economists and scientists who would basically have to take a big pay cut if they’re laid off in this environment.
You’re downplaying just how devastating some of these job losses are, by ignoring that many of these people moved to these cities in reliance on the job stability they expected, and downplaying the number of people affected and the length of tenure these people have.
I don’t have a strong view of whether this story is literally true of this specific account’s neighbor. But I can tell you that versions of this story have happened to thousands already, and will happen to tens of thousands more.
In other words you don’t give a shit about facts so long as they fit your worldview.
Everyone is assuming he lost the house. Maybe he got a better job and is moving to a new and better house, closer to the new job
If OP’s neighbor got a promotion within the last 2 years he is a probationary employee.
Ah, the classic “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” is more like it. That’s half the reason we’re in the mess.
ask any millenial what all our parents were telling us until they got on facebook.
Considering how Lemmy feels about democrats and how everyone claims to be a true leftist…
So anyways I started shit posting…
Is “MAGAtard” okay to say on Lemmy without getting banned? It’s not a slur against mentally challenged people FFS, it’s a slur against MAGA. I think MAGAt is a poor substitute.
If you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. You can insult them without playing off of a slur for another group.
When I ask a question it’s because I don’t know the answer. I don’t pretend to have psychic powers like so many people on social media.
You’re part of the problem
Good and screw the neo-Nazi who found the fuck out.
Trump was never on your side, now you’re finding out the hard way :|
oh they aint finding out
Trump crap was taken down on any neighbor’s homes (and there weren’t many) except one (and they have it kinda hidden) after 2020. Anyone supporting Trump at this point is an idiot, cruel, or both.
Agent Krasnov is, by ALL objective measures, the most prolific Traitor in American history. In fact, he has probably caused more damage than ALL other American traitors COMBINED.
At this point, anyone who still supports HitlerPig is as much an authentic traitor as he is. I only wish the very worst outcomes for them. Losing their jobs and homes is the mildest punishment they deserve.
I operate a business, and I havent had to hire anyone lately. But if I were, I would absolutely ask them who they supported for president in 2020 and 2024, which is perfectly legal. Anyone who voted for HitlerPig would be immediately, and rudely, be rejected. I won’t employ anyone with such obviously poor Critical Thinking Skills.
Trump support has been on full display in my area without interruption. “Don’t blame me, I voted for Trump” are the ones I’m keeping my eyes on the most, waiting for them to disappear.
It’s almost half the country though, he’s got like 46% of people approve of what he’s doing. I guess they’re just less in your face about it.
That isn’t true. Only 31% of adults voted for him vs 30% for Harris. The majority of adults didn’t vote because they didn’t like either candidate.
Oh it’s true.
Although more people disapprove than approve (a recent phenomenon), 46-48% of the American public APPROVE of his current actions.
It’s literally BAFFLING.
Is it really true, though? I suspect a lot of those people dont really like HitlerPig, but they are diehard Republicans, and will vote for ANY Republican they are presented with. The only reason they support Republicans so much is because they have been well-indoctrinated by the Conservative Propaganda Machine, and they don’t have the Critical Thinking Skills to reject even the most obvious propaganda. They have been taught more to HATE evil Democrats/Liberals than love Republicans. They arent really voting for the Republican candidate, they are voting AGAINST ANY Democrat.
This is a distinction without a difference. They still back his actions and assisted him in regaining power. I guess if it makes you feel better about them, hold onto that.
I don’t feel good about them at all, I think they are disgusting traitors. But if we are going to get past this terrible era of our history, we are going to have to properly identify the mechanisms that are twisting their weak minds, so that we can properly deal with the real psychological strategies that they are succumbing to.
Absolutely, but absolving them of responsibility for their choices is not the answer.
If 31% voted Trump, and 30% Harris, that leaves 39% not voting (minus the idk <1%? that voted third party), which is also not a majority. Plurality yes, but not the majority.
Far more voted for Harris, but there was massive voter fraud, purged voter rolls, disenfranchised votes, rejected votes, all provisional votes were rejected, and voting machines were hacked, probably by multiple parties (Musk, Russians, Chinese, perhaps others).
Now the Republicans get to laugh derisively at Democrats falling all over themselves questioning the directions and strategies that actually won the election, but had it stolen. Rather than question their direction, the Dems should be supporting massive governmental and private investigations into the massive Republican election fraud in the 2024 election.
If the Dems don’t get their shit together, and stop pretending the Republicans won "fair & square, " we can expect nearly every Congressional election to got to Republicans, and HitlerPig will win the 2028 election with 98% of the vote. He will use that enormous number to justify ignoring the Consitutional 2 term limit.
No, only 1.6% or whatever made the effort to reject both and vote for someone else. Anyone who didn’t vote were fine with either major party winning.
All my Trump neighbors are rental tenants so they get shuffled in and out every year by their landlords. A few MAGA banner fliers as well as a few families with small kids all got kicked out my neighborhood this last year for Sale signs to go up.
A Twitter checkmark? In 2025?
Kinda cheapens the post a bit.
You don’t need to be right wing/maga to post engagement-farming on Twitter.
A left wing liberal who gives money to the fascist in charge for a little blue dot is an idiot and a half.
I don’t disagree, but that left wing liberal is just trying to make easy money via engagement - just like the right wing grifters.
We really need a Herman Cain Award for Trumpers who have lost their livelihoods. I used to love the old compilations of dozens of posts only to have the inevitable “COVID ain’t no joke”.
Covid deniers when their opponent is covid
Thots and pears.
Please remember it is important to not gloat or “I told you so”. This person, for a reason of which does not matter, has decided to exit the cult. This person needs support and praise for their bravery. I don’t care if it is for a selfish reason… ultimately they made it out, their mind is free! That is cause for celebration.
Is there any evidence they decided to exit the cult? People will paint the walls beige when selling a house, and that doesn’t mean they don’t still like whatever red and green Christmas themed house they had to start with. Pulling down a flag while selling the house you can’t afford doesn’t actually mean you wouldn’t still vote for him.
No, MAGAts revel in the misery they cause … thay love “owning the libs” and literally want nothing else in life. Nothing. They are fueled by an insane level of hatred and cruelty. It is all they understand. When you point and laugh at them for the “face eating” … they actually get it. MAGAts do not leave their cult, they just get displaced until the next cult that let’s them be hateful racists comes around.
What do you think this community is for, exactly?
Sure, you’re right that it fits. I thought it was worth mentioning for when people encounter these types when offline. I too enjoy the schadenfreude, its why I am here.
Dudes a sucker. He’ll get roped back in right away.
What’s FAFO?
/r/thathappened material
Wrong site brother
No, that was very intentional lol