Canada is in advanced talks with the European Union to join the bloc’s new project to expand its military industry, a move that would allow Canada to be part of building European fighter jets and other military equipment at its own industrial facilities.
The budding defense cooperation between Canada and the European Union, which is racing to shore up its industry to lower reliance on the United States, would boost Canada’s military manufacturers and offer the country a new market at a time when its relationship with the United States has become frayed.
Shaken by a crisis in the two nations’ longstanding alliance since President Trump’s election, Canada has started moving closer to Europe. The military industry collaboration with the European Union highlights how traditional U.S. allies are deepening their ties without U.S. participation to insulate themselves from Mr. Trump’s unpredictable moves.
Trump is going to absolutely fuck his country six ways after Sunday. There won’t be a single nation that will want to engage in business or military with this Russian Cunt Muppet after all this is done.
Fuck Trump. Get dead already!
Which is exactly and I mean exactly what Putin wants.
God damn I hate our country right now.
can California join the EU?
As someone in Washington State, yeah when does Washington Oregon California get to accept the invite to Canada and join in on this. We aren’t like the others.
that’s most of the big technology companies, more than half the equity in the stock market i think. lots of agriculture. it would be interesting for sure.
Justin Trudeau passed more gun bans than any other PM since the 90s. That was a massive mistake as given what Trump was doing they should have had an expansion of shooting sports and having a ready made resistance force.
To resist a tyrannical government just like what’s happening in the US right?
Foreign invasion.
Not at all. See the second amendment and the declaration of independence
Can we knock the last three words off that title?
Wow, this is HUGE news for Canada - fantastic! I love to see us closer to the EU and I hope we can bulk up our defence sector to what it was in the 50s before we let Americans gut it.
Oh my. If Canada were to join the European Union, as well, we would have to rename the currency to “Euro Dollars”, or “Eddies” for short.
The EEC is such an underexplored subject in the Cyberpunk universe. Member states are actually democratic (shocker, I know), votes in the European Council are allocated according to the member states’ wealth, a hundred million eddies per seat. Want to be a Merc? The European way is to go to a trade school which churn out licensed special force commandos. ESA literally rules space, even Arasaka has to bend the knee, there. Forget nukes if you try shit the EEC is going to drop a couple of asteroids on your head. Worker’s rights? Well yes your implants won’t right-out kill you if you quit your job, and the unions are probably just as capitalist as the companies, maybe reverting to a guild system (both are speculation, as said: Underexplored). Overall much more and much smaller companies, the EEC is actively working against Megacorps being a thing, though at least the Asian Megacorps have a solid position on the European market.
In our timeline it’s often forgotten how the EU started out as a trade cartel and that this stuff is still very deep in its bones, yet somehow the Cyberpunk timeline also manages to capture the fall of colonialism. The EEC is more than powerful enough to take over lots of stuff without breaking a sweat but I guess the consensus is “why should we take over Night City then we have to rule it”.
Regarding foreign policy: Canada indeed is the closest ally. NUSA relations are tense AF because Americans be jealous because NUSA politicians like to distract from their own incompetence and propagandise, USSR solid economical working arrangement (EEC can squeeze more productivity out of Eastern Europe than them and Moscow gets a cut), Asia in general, South America, Africa, generally solid relations but of course competetive, Japan, arch competitor. Also, ex-member of the EEC. Is it even possible to call Japan and Arasaka different entities.
And, yes, the EEC controls the eddie. Primary or secondary currency all over the world with the exception of the USSR.
Yeah, but like Eddie’s ain’t boga yet, it’d probably get called E bucks or somethin
Trump would put his face on the loonie, then we would call them the loonatics.
Can we have firearm vending machines, too?
Love it
More annoying than menacing
When I think of Trump I think of that video of some guys giving a chimpanzee an AK-47. I find that more menacing than annoying.