Narrator: The left did not, in fact, get everyone’s basic needs met.
Both Democrats and Republicans have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So Democrats are now where Republicans were in the 1980s: friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. And the right has moved all the way into an insane asylum.
Whoever told you Democrats are leftists told you a big BIG lie. With some exceptions, like Bernie, and maybe AOC, most democrats are centrist, or even “economically right wing”.
Narrator: The left did not, in fact, get everyone’s basic needs met because it hasn’t been in power for nearly half a century. And incidentally, every time it was represented in government there were major strides in “getting everyone’s needs met”.
Don’t believe me? Do a Google search for “most liberal/leftist US presidents”, click any of these listicles and try to find the most recent leftist president. Notice how there isn’t a single one more recent than 1969?
For most of you reading this, the last actual leftist government predates your parents’ birth.
Narrator: The left did not, in fact, get everyone’s basic needs met.
Both Democrats and Republicans have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So Democrats are now where Republicans were in the 1980s: friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. And the right has moved all the way into an insane asylum.
Whoever told you Democrats are leftists told you a big BIG lie. With some exceptions, like Bernie, and maybe AOC, most democrats are centrist, or even “economically right wing”.
People not realising this is what’s so baffling.
Don’t believe me? Do a Google search for “most liberal/leftist US presidents”, click any of these listicles and try to find the most recent leftist president. Notice how there isn’t a single one more recent than 1969?
For most of you reading this, the last actual leftist government predates your parents’ birth.
Why did you have to make me feel old