I mean, there are two side of the argument.
Pragmatically, fleeing would save your life.
But ethically, it feels cowardly. (I’m not calling anyone a “coward”, its just how I internally feel about such an act, if I were the one doing it)
I mean, there are two side of the argument.
Pragmatically, fleeing would save your life.
But ethically, it feels cowardly. (I’m not calling anyone a “coward”, its just how I internally feel about such an act, if I were the one doing it)
Stay and fight for it. Because what happens if and when shit goes south wherever your new home is? Just keep running?
Well, apparantly, Lemmy is telling people to immediately flee the US.
So like, I’m just wondering. What happens when every person left-of-center leaves? Do we just leave a bunch of nazis with the entire nuclear arsenal of the US?
Lemmy is telling people to flee the US? What did I miss?
me fleeing the US with money I don’t have
One of the methods of getting a foreign visa (EU countries in particular) requires you to have the equivalent of $500,000 USD to invest in the country. I’m like… bruh, in this economy? 💀
I think you’ll find that most countries worth emigrating to are expensive and hard to get into, much moreso than the US.