Stay and fight for it. Because what happens if and when shit goes south wherever your new home is? Just keep running?
Stay and fight for it. Because what happens if and when shit goes south wherever your new home is? Just keep running?
Air conditioner
Whether it’s through professionals IRL or strangers on the Internet, it’ll require effort on your part. You’re going to have to want to be an active participant and willing to work on yourself. It will be a process, not a single event.
You will never ever get in trouble for simply possessing GBC ROMs
I like semi-obscure Star Wars references and clever wordplay.
I got the YouTube premium family plan a long time ago. Been worth every penny for the amount of YouTube we watch.
I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but if there was one streaming service I was gonna pay for it’d be YT premium. You can pirate everything else pretty easily.
You left out some important context, that she followed that up with “you people are next.”
9/11. It was the only time in my life I saw newspapers publish extra editions.
For those too young, extra edition as in “extra, extra, read all about it,” when a news story is so big that the newspapers publish a whole nother edition later in the day.
A group of people related by blood and/or marriage.
More broadly, any group of related things depending on the context.
It could be anything, as long as your recipient has the cipher for your code. If they don’t, then you better hope they’re really good decrypters.
Data’s poem was written by real people trying to sound like a machine.
ChatGPT’s poems are written by a machine trying to sound like real people.
While I think “Ode to Spot” is actually a good poem, it’s kind of a valid point to make since the TNG writers were purposely trying to make a bad one.
If I had this land, I’d grow food.
Star Trek economy.
An idealized form of capitalism where there is no wealth inequality, no exploitation of labor, and everyone’s basic needs are provided for.
Who decides what’s on the test?
“Looking for a new opportunity”, “want to challenge myself more”, “looking for something that aligns better with my interests” etc. Those are some of the usual lines you give in corporate America when you want out.
But in your case, you could just tell the truth. That you’re in a temp position and you’re looking for something permanent. That’s a perfectly valid reason for interviewing.
Why are you censoring “Google”?
It’s not propaganda, it’s a basic logical conclusion. If you and a group of people decide to follow a set of rules together, i.e. create a society, you are surrendering a little of your freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want in exchange for some protection from others from doing the same.
Yes, that’s the entire basis for the idea of the social contract. That you give up a little bit of freedom in exchange for security from living in a society.
I think you’ll find that most countries worth emigrating to are expensive and hard to get into, much moreso than the US.