I find this ignorance really frustrating that people believe purchasing an electric car is somehow environmentally neutral. People should be educated on the environmental toll of EV production, lithium mining, tire pollution etc.
I find this ignorance really frustrating that people believe purchasing an electric car is somehow environmentally neutral. People should be educated on the environmental toll of EV production, lithium mining, tire pollution etc.
While no car is far, far better than any car environmentally, an EV is far better than an ICE vehicle. Let’s not piss on incremental improvements shall we?
I’m all for incremental improvements but these people that laud themselves as environmental heros for owning an electric car need to understand what happens behind the curtain before they receive their electric car, and after the battery is replaced.
Is there any comprehensive proof that EV production is cleaner than ICE production?
First, assuming battery replacement is required in the life of the vehicle doesn’t hold up against real life. It’s mostly happened due to battery design issues (LEAF, Bolt), not batteries dying before the rest of the vehicle.
Second, nobody is saying EV manufacturing is cleaner, but the operation of an EV is far cleaner than an ICE.