If you are looking for self-centred, gullible people who think that the status quo is to their benefit go to your local church.
If you are looking for self-centred, gullible people who think that the status quo is to their benefit go to your local church.
You cannot be leftwing and pro-monarchy.
Most of us need to get permission just to get our hands on cash.
It’s what economy seats used to look like 25 years ago.
We’re about 5 years away from the Vatican releasing shotacon.
Just as many people visit Paris as London. France is a republic. People go to see the buildings and stolen artifacts.
Focus on cryptocurrency but ignore the blatant connivance on Wall Street. Sounds about right.
Should have just ordered a salad somewhere but I like the ingredients, everything bar the bread and cheese.
Is there a more recent guide that you’d recommend?
Couriers have tiny cameras all throughout my home and wait for me to go to the bathroom before they show up with my parcels.
Projectors > *
I think clearnet is done for. Maybe something like i2p could be worth investing time into.
And I can’t eat without shoplifting…
I was going to say that this sounds like a very UK specific issue.
“Religion is a personal choice.”
Rarely is that true.
“God will provide”.
You have been sleepwalking through life…
For a lot of women marriage (and divorce) is all about money.
Hardened war veterans with guns and nothing to lose.