Can we see the photo, or do we only get the one of you taking it? /s
Can we see the photo, or do we only get the one of you taking it? /s
I don’t get why people still doubt China on tech progress. “Hur dur they’re commies so they had to have faked it! There’s just no incentive for them to be smart and driven because America, number one btw, has all the money.”
Like yeah, the country we’ve exported nearly all of our tech and manufacturing to for 40 years definitely has no idea how anything works, guys. Keep doubting.
I wouldn’t be giving him any ideas unless I founded a company and he bought his way in
Give me your bank account number right now then?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Your comment is pure cope because you realize deep down the danger you put yourself in.
These are the types of people that James Bond used to hunt down.
How the fuck is this real life?
There are times when immutable objects are absolutely the way to go from a data safety perspective. And there are other times when speed or practicality prevail.
Never become an extremist about any particular pattern. They’re all useful - to become a master you must learn when that is.
Data breaches expose your banking numbers
Used by the guy who did two Nazi salutes at the inauguration? It absolutely is
He’s mad because it isn’t blockchain
Why would anyone use containers without compose?
Especially people who are newer? It’s far easier.
The whole of the internet to figure out if something is factual or not and yet you demand someone else does the thinking for you
No wonder AI will replace us so easily
Many selfhosters are also homelabbers
Quick, now lean a firewall with a good IDS
and fail2ban
All of these are reasons why Google Glass failed. No one wants some robot scanning everyone’s face and reporting their location to some corporation’s database in real time so that the NSA can extract that data and give it to ICE, for example.
AR seems cool but it’s a fucking dystopian nightmare.
Congratulations to Donald Trump, the first woman President of the United States
Businesses sure seem to love Louis Rossman content because they just keep feeding him
Oh man, I loved HyperCard as a teenager. Thanks for posting this, I’m gonna have to set this up.
Soggy toxicity
The globriarchy
The squishy majority
The Damp Keepers
The Moist Boys
South of the Mason-drippin line
I’m partial to AdGuardHome myself, but PiHole does the job well