• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • Rowena is not food motivated at all, until recently we couldn’t get her to accept treats. She will also let you know she’s had enough by walking away, she eats way less treats than you think would be enough to satiate. On the other hand she’s crazy about catnip, she will employ the glare if she doesn’t think you’ve given her enough.

    Colby Jack is crazy food motivated. We’ve taught him to spin in place for wet food and are working on doing it by command. He will also lead you to the treats. He likes to plop right in front of you and show belly, then when you reach down to pet him he gets up and walks towards the treat cupboard.

    I’m sure you could get cats to do all sorts of things with a little patience and a heckin’ lot of catnip and treats.

  • I absolutely believe that cats understand more than what they let on.

    My parents have two cats, Odin and Honey. Odin is a senior cat now but he’s always been sweet as pie. His default position when someone shows up to the home is that they have come for him and must pay tribute to his belly. Honey is pretty typical, if she smells something funny in the air she’s gone before the dust settles.

    So one day I come over to my parent’s house to mind the place while they are away and after successfully tithing Odin’s belly I start to look for a place to set my belongings. Off-hand I remark to the cat that I haven’t seen Honey in a while and he should go get her. Odin leaves and I don’t think much of it, kitty shenanigans or whatever they do. I finish putting away my things and I see Honey trotting down the hall, then I hear her yelp because Odin is hot on her heels nipping at her legs.

    You believe what you want to about but I know what I do.

  • It’s interesting that you end a post about how important it is to make yourself be heard with a note that you don’t care to hear opposing viewpoints unless they are presented in a way you like.

    That was not my intended meaning. Only that I do not care for reactionary opinions based on the assumption of what I think is a worthy cause to protest in this way and that if they were going to be presented anyway they should at least be interesting.

    As for opposing views and arguments, I welcomed them to the best of my ability. There were very few of those, most responses were attacks on the parts of my reasoning that struck a nerve. It’s like trying to cut down a tree by picking off the leaves.

    I can’t really argue with any of the other points you made because I had already accounted for them as conditions for my opinion.

    The hill I’m choosing to die on is that whether you’re with the Canada Truck Convoy Boys or part of Palestines Pals you have a right to be heard and that we have a right to judge the actions taken to be heard against what you’re saying.

  • None of the things you’ve said were unreasonable and I freely admit to knowing my attitude towards death can be shockingly cavalier but sometimes you have to be willing to cross the line. I have a sense that old age or natural causes aren’t in the cards for me and I hope that it’s my actions and not my words that do me in, I just will never know for sure until my time is up.

    It doesn’t work if there isn’t a deep understanding of personal responsibility. While there are causes that have gained my participation I have yet to find something I’m willing to bleed for much less possibly harm someone else by doing the things I say I believe people have a right to. If I catch an involuntary manslaughter then I caught an involuntary manslaughter and I will be made to pay, either time or cash for the benefit of society. And for my benefit I hope to find or create an opportunity to lessen the burden of death on my hands. That’s all I can do, all we can do and the buck don’t stop at sorry.

    Any prevention that can be taken should be taken but what is preventable isn’t always so and what was impossible to account for is sometimes within the plan. You do the best you can at the time and roll with the punches as they come.

  • So glad for your edit, added some interesting points.

    Maybe turning this into the trolley problem will shed some light on how I think for ya. I will always sacrifice the few to save the many. Put my parents, my partner, my lovely cats on the line and as long as what I’m sacrificing is less than what stands to be saved then Imma pull that fucking lever and rail the few for the many. But it’s all hypothetical, we can’t for sure know what any of us would do until the shit actually hits the fan. I could always be a coward.

    Now you don’t have to like it or even understand the way I feel and view the world but you should know that only arguments equally as convincing as the circumstances that lead me to where I stand could ever begin to sway me away.