Really could pick any ‘news’ outlet. I just feel like they’re the ones most likely to be overly dramatic and most likely to sue.
Really could pick any ‘news’ outlet. I just feel like they’re the ones most likely to be overly dramatic and most likely to sue.
You would get sued by FOX ‘News’ for copying their daily programming.
This makes me think I need an addition to my will…
to make sure my kid can sell my remains for profit!
Nothing about it was quick.
Had to drive nearly an hour over to the next town. Then wait in a lobby for the same amount of time. Then drive to a pharmacy to pick up the pills. Half of my day when I knew I just needed a basic antibiotic.
Ignoring the snark in your comment…
I assume you take issue with UBI?
Would you feel different if we ‘required service’ for UBI? For example, some countries have mandatory military service. If we nationalize these giant corporations, we could make working there a way to qualify for UBI.
Do you think UBI is just taking money from the average person and giving it to lazy people who do nothing? Or do you enjoy the separation of the rich while the rest of us struggle for scraps? Do you understand that the UBI would apply to you as well?
Or am I missing deeper thoughts given to your comment?
How would there be thousands? There aren’t thousands of nations, and everyone would still use Google.
If you break it up, that’s how you get thousands of shitty versions.
Maybe some countries might disable Google if it was owned by the US, but I have a feeling those countries already have their own issues with Google as it stands now.
I just think if the monopolistic corporations are too big and too essential to take down, then nationalization is a solution with many more positive traits than negative.
This last winter I was unemployed and I got sick enough to need antibiotics.
I couldn’t prove that I didn’t have a job, so the ‘sliding scale clinic’ charged me $586 to talk to someone (not a doctor). I knew what I needed. I was forced to take an unnecessary STD test ($180) and to promise I would go in for additional testing and scanning (undisclosed price, to be determined AFTER).
The meds were around $40 for a week of pills (15 pills).
I knew my issue, and just needed a prescription for the antibiotics.
I have a job now. They want about $200 a month for the basic coverage. I have on average, $20-$30 at the end of the pay period. So I could get insurance, but it means skipping more meals (I already skip several a week to save money).
So I just hope nothing ever goes wrong because if it does, I’ll need to be close to death before I get help that will take me years to pay for.
Don’t ‘break it up’, nationalize it, and do the same with all these other giant corporations.
Profits could support UBI instead of encouraging billionaires.
Hoping to hear an answer to this.
As someone who saved literal cases of gaming mags from the 90s-00s I’m ready to part with them hoping someone else will go through the effort to scan them and make them available. I just don’t have the time or resources for that project and I’ve got a storage unit FULL of gaming gear that I need to empty. It’s hard enough to go through the games and hardware, I just want to get rid of the boxes and boxes ofabysls and magazines but I don’t want to trash them.
General Discharge is the name of my cover band. It’s mostly big brass covers of Sex Pistols songs.
Yeah. I would totally get this ink if someone wanted to practice. No cover up needed.
She flys him in on her jet obviously.
When you’ve lost your ‘faith’ it doesn’t actually change who you are, remember that.
Also, it’s ok to admit that as humans, we don’t have all the answers. It doesn’t mean you need to believe a god of one kind or another is in charge. It just means we don’t see the full picture.
This reads like someone read 50 shades of grey and then wrote down every “sexy” song they could think of (and it wasn’t very many).
If you want actual playlists ask a DJ. Not being a dick but really, just ask one. They LOVE to share when someone shows interest. Don’t know a DJ? Look for fetish events online and find out who is DJing and just ask them.
I have a half dozen CDs I’ve collected from over the years. They are AMAZING and I have a lot of great memories tied to some of those songs.
A lot of the DJs record their sets for big events, that’s how I got mine. Down side is sometimes you can’t skip to a track because it’s one file (depends on the setup). Also no track info, just handwritten sharpie. But on the plus side you get a larger selection of music and great flow throughout.
Very similar position here.
I’ve always felt that it wasn’t anyone’s business but my own and the person I want to touch. I don’t worry about putting myself in a box so I don’t wear a label.
Those that “need” to know are told that I am “independent”. What does that mean to me? It means I decide who I want to fool around with. Sex is more than just tabs and slots.
Although I have found that this answer is unacceptable to nearly everyone, so I can’t say I recommend it.
Almost 3 years after quiting a heavy 26 years habit. I quit cold turkey.
Currently being forced to move having no income and no social circle and family is distant.
Super proud I haven’t broken yet. I want one ALL THE DAMN TIME.
I use physical exercise to help me get through my cravings.
Years ago I adopted the identifier ‘Cascadian’ as I fit most of the stereotypes.
(Referring to those of us that live in/around the Cascade mountain range.)
I know it’s not ‘a hobby’ but being native to the PNW, it really is a lifestyle. We’re out playing in the wilderness, hunting, fishing, enjoying the rain. We smell a little like moss & dirt with a hint of patchouli. We grown our own food and prefer our animals over people most of the time. I’m about to move across the country and I have no idea what my life will be like. I spend 90% of my free time outside in wilderness where most of my ‘hobbies’ take place.
As someone who also has to argue about how wrong everyone else is…
I always tell them to imagine the iconic ‘slipping on a banana peel’ joke. Sometimes I make them draw it.
If you peel from the stem, it would never look like that. We have so many references that I challenge anyone to show me any media from any time period that shows the banana opened from the stem.
People learn the stem way as children because it’s easier with limited motor skills and just never give it up.
All you have to do is talk back to a small town cop.
Once they decide to punish you, there’s nothing to be done. They can sit a block from your house and pull you over every single day and write a bullshit speeding ticket. The same cop wrote me up at least a dozen times. Admittedly I was speeding the first time, and possibly some of the others, but I was always with the flow of traffic and close to the limit. He would just write up whatever he wanted.
The most annoying part was when my father borrowed my car one morning and got pulled over instead. He was mad at me for it, because me pissing off the cops got him pulled over even though he never goes above the limit.
And if you live in a small town, there is no public transportation, there is no taxi service. If you don’t drive you have to walk or ride a bike. And all of the work available is many miles away, because everything is when you get rural.
Although I don’t disagree with your comment about the number of bad drivers, I just think this article lacks enough details to come to your conclusion.