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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • This is tragic.

    While the Wikipedia page lists food poisonings from sea turtles as rare, it still feels like a Russian Roulette kind of meal.

    Would you eat something knowing that there is a nonzero chance it might kill you (as in really off you, not just give you a bad night at the bathroom)?

    I suppose the answer is a lot of people would, since the article itself mentioned another recent poisoning.

    It reminds me of the blowfish which is also lethally poisonous if not handled by someone who’s certified to do so.

    I suppose everything in life has a risk and I’ve done my share of reckless things, but rolling the dice on food never appealed to me.

    Edit: fixed grammar

  • A person once told me that in life you need to learn to be lucky. When I asked him how to learn that he replied that you need to want to be lucky. And that’s it.

    He was very serious and, to some extent, I think he wasn’t saying something crazy (and in fact he’s been very successful in his life, without resorting to help from others).

    I think he meant we make our own luck: we work as hard as possible to create several occasions and maybe we screw lots of them but, if we try, try again, we can seize some of them.

    I suppose the message really was: you need to be persistent. If you’re so dedicated, you end up grabbing some opportunities you didn’t even know existed (but you kind of created)

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk… Be lucky!

  • Sorry, I don’t work in economics so I don’t follow this (but it looks like a great analysis for someone who doesn’t understand it!).

    Do all these things mean Reddit IPO is likely to tank (though one never knows)?

    I’d like Spez to pay for all he’s done to 3rd party apps and driving mods (and us users) away, but in the end I’m afraid it’s only going to be regular employees to feel the pinch and Spez just cashing out…

    Also, Reddit has a ton of users and some other article these days said they’re going to sell everything to AI services that are going to train themselves on Reddit for a lot of dollars. Would this be enough to keep them afloat?