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  • 27 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Well on firefox/chrome extensions you can search for text expander and choose an extension that works for you.

    Or if you are using a phone you can do the same on the app store and I think there should be a few options.

    Once you download one of them it should give instructions on how to use it, but in general it asks you to create a phrase that you want to be automatically triggered and a shorter phrase that automatically replaced with the longer phrase.

    For example-

    long phrase: The quick brown fox jumped over the moon.

    short phrase: /qfox

    and every time you typed /qfox it would replace it with “The quick brown fox jumped over the moon.”

    Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • I think that in the long term that there is one thing going for the truth: It is more coherent and more predictive of what is to come next.

    If a country does a campaign that tries to fabricate a story from scratch if they aren’t very careful there will be some form of incoherence eventually if there is any slip up. That’s why its always easier to just frame the truth in positive or negative lights instead because it removes the need to try and create coherent stories.

    And yes I know that there are people that believe incoherent truths about the world but that is mainly because it doesn’t actually affect most of the actions that they take on a day to day basis so they don’t have an actual incentive to improve their understanding of the world. If they need to make decisions based on that information they will make bad decisions until their understanding of the world has changed or they are out competed by people with more accurate beliefs.


    Lies take consistent effort to keep straight and eventually they’ll fuck up, Spin is easier and more effective for changing values, and people tend to have more accurate beliefs if they are actually useful to have them.

    Edit: grammar

    Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)