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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Halasham@dormi.zonetoAtheism@lemmy.worldTotally not a death cult.
    17 days ago

    The issue is that they don’t care. They don’t care if the Bible says anything at all about the subject their on about or even if it contradicts them. What the Bible actually says is irrelevant to them, it’s only what their glorious leaders pastors say it says matters.

    The root of faith is authoritarianism, not any branch of morality or reverence or regard for history or their mythology.

  • Halasham@dormi.zonetoAtheism@lemmy.worldTacos.
    1 month ago

    My response;

    How do you handle death being the end?

    It’s something of a relief to me. I won’t be around to worry about projects left incomplete or things not done once I am gone. The sense that there is some great finality to the presentation that is my life is nice now that I’ve gotten over being told there would be otherwise as a child.

    Seriously, what’s the point in living?

    I don’t know about you but I enjoy what I do and further enjoy it when it’s helpful. Books, movies, video games… most things, really, end. People still enjoy them and I’m treating life the same way. I’m enjoying mine while it lasts.

    Why be good if there is no Hell?

    I don’t get off on other people’s suffering and to the best of my understanding, including some understanding of computer models, cooperation works better than trying to cheat everyone. So, I’m good because it’s the sensible course of action. I don’t need a negative incentive when there’s already positive ones and all of this being on top of Humans being a social species such that most of us can share in the joy of others, especially if we have contributed to it.

    You seriously don’t understand God.

    Well, if he’s got the powers you describe him as having then he doesn’t want me to understand. How am I meant to believe in an entity with perfect ability to hide from my perception? If it’s so important that I believe in him maybe you should tell him he’s won this hide-and-seek game and he can come out now.

  • Halasham@dormi.zonetoAtheism@lemmy.worldOglaf: Wrath
    3 months ago

    Wow, that priest is astoundingly honest. It’s never about proving “heretics” wrong, for the simple reason that they can’t in most situations. The mass-murdering institutions only care about sufficiently large massacres that there’s no-one left alive who would question them.

  • That husband, Thomas Pate, had pretended to be a true-blue evangelical to win her and her parents’ hearts. And he succeeded. It wasn’t until almost the couple’s wedding before his bride’s parents realized he was trouble.

    I get it that this isn’t a christian site but I don’t why they seem to take being Evangelical and “Trouble” as mutually exclusive. The article even seems to touch on how fundamentally fake evangelicism is. How can someone fake a fakery?

    Micah’s prayer journal held a great many answers for investigators after her death. There, investigators learned about his growing trouble with pornography abuse and his gambling problem.

    They obviously had problems however I’m wholly unwilling to take any evangelical at their word about “pornography abuse”. I’ve had people claim I had one, viewing porn maybe four times a season. The cult views any use of pornography as a problem.

    Micah’s family still struggles to pick up the pieces after losing her. Her brother visits her grave often. A sorority at Harding College established a scholarship in her name. Her mother, who teaches Bible and ministry courses at Harding, gives speeches to evangelical women about recognizing the potential signs of domestic violence.

    I’m not discounting the notion I may just be cynical but anyone else doubting any of this will be meaningful? If I cared to gamble I’d place a wager that the ‘potential signs of domestic violence’ taught about in one of the cults private unis are farcical.

    At the small scale and the large, evangelicals can’t defend themselves against bad-faith actors

    No shit. It’s a system designed to empower the bad-faith actors, it’d be actively counter productive for the faith to so much as tolerate effective defences against them.

  • Well, my family is a weird split between Christian and Atheist. On my Dad’s side my Grandmother is Christian and Grandfather is Atheist. My Dad was put through Catholic private school and hated it… he’s never expressed any religious belief for as long as I’ve been alive. My mother’s side of the family are all Protestant Christian (My grandmother on Dad’s side is too she just has an extremely weird perspective on Christianity).

    So, my Mother tried to raise my siblings and I as Protestant Christians. Unfortunately for her I’ve always loved learning about biology which brought me to knowing 'bout the theory of evolution… which contradicts Mom’s Creationism. At first I was just ignoring the evolution but as life went on I was presented with a mounting body of evidence of Mom being objectively wrong about various things and occasionally deliberately lying to me. This is also with the strain of Christianity Mom’s side of the family has holding that being Christian is to have a relationship with God, including that he would be responsive to prayer. I never felt it. No presence of some “higher power” or anything that I could take as being the answer to prayers to it, not even “No”, no response at all.

    After enough of that I had to ask myself what I believe. Being presented with science verses dogma and being told they’re mutually exclusive (by the side of dogma) I chose science. Kept that decisions to myself for a few years out of fear of retaliation. In that time I learned about ethics, a little philosophy, a little physics… and the online Atheist community in-general. So by the time a family member asked me directly if I still believed in God I had pretty well made up my mind that #1: I don’t and #2: if I’m wrong I certainly don’t want anything to do with them. I left the second point out of my answer and told them the truth: I don’t believe in their god anymore.

    It took me a month or two to stop worrying that some retaliation was coming… it never did but my relatives were curious about what I did believe since it wasn’t the same as what they did. I’ve pretty much settled on a materialist view of the Universe, I don’t believe in anything that is supernatural.