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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The only thing I do NOT like about Elden Ring (and the From Software games in general) is the truly missable stuff that isn’t clearly shown as permanently missable until after you watch some YouTuber’s video talking about how after you cross this invisible line suddenly a bunch of NPCs die or disappear because of a story bit that action triggers without saying anything to you or warning you… this is real by the way and this is that line on the map. this is the line on the map

    If you go north of it, the DLC IRREVERSIBLY changes a lot of stuff with pretty much every NPC you have met up to this point

    Another example of this though - in the base game, I really wanted to get that “raging wolf” armor set that you see in so many videos and images promoting the game but it turns out I progressed the story and killed the NPC who gives you that quest line before he gave it to me and I can’t go back and get it now unless I want to NG+ it and make the game even HARDER for myself…

  • Well there was a very short couple of periods where it’s wasn’t perfect but better in at least some respects - one when Lincoln was president, and the other when FDR was in office and when the Warren Supreme Court was in session.

    Things like the Rural Electricification Act and the right to an attorney even when you couldn’t afford one were passed during those brief windows of time…

    Sure there were Japanese internment camps and black people were even worse let treated than they are now, but things were finally on track to be improving for non-rich moreso then than almost any other time in history at the time.

    …But in general, yeah it’s always been the rich fucking us all over and they’ve never let up and never will.

  • Because both political parties have limited the power of said government to do so were replaced by the ruling capitalist class decades ago in an effort to neuter any and all attempts to even mildly curtail the nearly limitless power of unchecked capital.


    Many people like to pretend it’s just the Republicans, but also nearly all of the Democratic party members (save for a few members of “the Squad” and a couple of independents like Bernie Sanders) are either members of that same ruling class (Nancy Pelosi for example - has a net worth of $120,000,000) or act on said ruling class’s interests nearly exclusively (except on wedge issues that largely have no direct financial impact on capital like abortion rights, gun legislation, etc.).

    This is what the non-sarcastic versions of “both sides” commenters mean when they say as such… Not that both parties are “completely equivalent in all policy regards,” but that an overwhelming majority of the representatives of the U.S.'s 2 main political parties are effectively slightly different shades of the same branch grown by the oligarchs who basically get to run our country.

  • You know that’s not what people are talking about when they say “both sides.”

    We can be critical of ghouls like Manchin, and shitty neoliberals who think “gelato freezers” and kneeling when George Floyd was murdered was sufficient response - you know… those who make the Democratic party worse for all of us in a way not all that dissimilar in SOME INSTANCES to the Repubs without everyone assuming we are Trump ball-garglers or Republicans, right?

    …Or will we always get the “bOtH sIdEs” mocking which does little except serve to alienate fellow Dems, while providing the worst in the party cover for objectively shitty actions?