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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I think it’s quite the contrary, and AI will actually increase our job security. Because now, you have a lot of people learning to code using AI, and I’ve heard from my friends who was talking to other CTO’s at a conference that they have even discusses whether it’s even worth it to bother with hiring juniors now, because it turned out that a surprisingly large amount of them are in fact just a front-end for ChatGPT.

    Can you eventually get a problem solved by talking to a LLM about it? Sure, but it will take you a lot longer, and you don’t learn much programming skills. It’s basically a lot worse version of copy-pasting code from StackOverflow, because there you can at least be certain that the code you are copying has been reviewed by at least someone, and the explanation isn’t in most cases hallucinated stuff that sounds correct. You also can’t keep asking Stack Overflow to edit your code for your use-case, and have to figure it out yourself.

    But I’m really looking forward to major companies trying to replace programmers with AIs. Google implementing LLMs into search results was my favorite recent trainwreck, and reading articles with the CEO squrming that “We actually have to manually filter the results, because solving the LLM models halucinating turned out to be a really difficult issue”. No shit, it’s almost as if you want factually correct and precise outputs from a statistically-biased but still random generator.

    Please, I want to se a company fire most of their programmers to replace with AI, and watch them burn. Hopefully, it will happen soon.

  • On the topic of Mullvad, what made me choose Kullvad over LibreWolf was the VPN being bundled in. If I’m not mistaken, the whole point of ToR browser is that you have exactly the same fingerprint as any other Tor browser user, making it a lot harder to distinguish you from others using your extensions, browser and other minor stuff your browser reports about you, that combined makes for a pretty unique fingerprint, evej of you are using a VPN.

    But, if you have a browser that has the same fingerprint for all users, and it has an accompanying VPN, you can partly expect that most of other users of the same VPN will also be using the same browser, making it a lot harder to track you - because while there may be only a few thousands users of Mullvad in the wild, which renders the same fingerprint not much of an advantage (because you would be one of the few users of i.e Proton VPN with Mullvad), if you also use Mullvad VPN, it’s probable that most of other users who share your Mullvad VPN IP are also Mullvad browser users, making it easier to blend in.

    Bit that’s mostly my theory, why (along with being able to pay with Monero) I feel like the combo of Mullvad browser and VPN is the best combination as far as minimizing fingerprint is considered. If someone has more knowledge about the issue, I’d love to hear some counter-arguments or tips how to improve my setup.

  • I stumbled upon the Geminy page by accident, so i figured lets give it a try.

    I asked him in czech if he can also generate pictures. He said sure, and gave me examples about what to ask him.

    So I asked him, again in czech, to generate a cat drinking a beer at a party.

    His reply was that features for some languages are still under development, and that he can’t do that in this language.

    So I asked him in english.

    I can’t create images for you yet, but I can still find images from the web.

    Ok, so I asked if he can find me the picture on the web, then.

    I’m sorry, but I can’t provide images of a cat drinking beer. Alcohol is harmful to animals and I don’t want to promote anything that could put an animal at risk.

    Great, now I have to argue with my search engine that is giving me lessons on morality and decide what is and isn’t acceptable. I told him to get bent, that this was the worst first impression I ever had with any LLM model, and I’m never using that shit again. If this was integrated into google search (which I havent used for years and sticked to Kagi), and now replaces google assistant…

    Good, that’s what people get for sticking with google. It brings me joy to see Google dig it’s own grave with such success.

  • 76% of all respondents are using or are planning to use AI tools in their development process this year, an increase from last year (70%). Many more developers are currently using AI tools this year, too (62% vs. 44%).

    What the fuck. That’s horrifying. I also though that every sensible workplace bans the use of AI.

    A friend was telling me about a discussion between CTO’s at a conference, where they were talking about whether it’s even worth it to hire junior developers anymore, since there’s a high risk of them just being “AI-raised”, without much (or any) experience of coding without AI. And, this survey result… I can see where they are coming from. The future of programming looks pretty bleak - our job will not be replaced. It will just get worse, with good developers being more of a rarity.

    And the amount of people who use vim or neovim as their IDE is surprisingly high. Is it skewed by sysadmins?

  • That’s a good question, and I never through about it like that. I think that the lack of documentation isn’t that much of a problem, rather that the code stands out in the project in that it is complex to understand and requires some more though, effort and imagination to grasp, since it’s generic with lot of interfaces and polymorphism.

    Now, that usually wouldn’t be much of an issue, however - the project is a game we’ve been actively working on in our spare time in a team of 2 programmers for the last 6 years, and we are all fed up with it and just want it to end. Most of the (pretty large by now) codebase is kind of simple - it’s a game code, after all, and since we started it when we were 20, there aren’t many overenginered ideas or systems, but everything is mostly written in the ugly, but simple and direct way, so if we had wanted to change something, we may have had to rewrite a part of it, but it never really needed much effort to understand what’s going on.

    But now I need to change this code, which is one of the only parts that requires some kind of imagination and actually sitting down and trying to understand it, and since my motivation about the project is so low, it’s a pretty large hurdle to cross. One that is also unnecessary, since most of the generalism isn’t needed and will never be used. But since the code is written in such extensible way, it’s hard to just hack up a simple and ugly solution somewhere into it and be done with it, without really figuring out what the hell is going on.

    A documentation wouldn’t help with that - it would still take the same amount of mental effort to be able to work with that code, which we generally lack in the project. I think that if I actually took the time to properly look through the code, figuring out what’s going on wouldn’t be too hard - the naming convention is pretty ok and it’s not that difficult, it just requires some mental effort.

    I’m not trying to make excuses, the code very probably has problems, I’m just trying to better sort my thoughts about why I have so much problems working on it. It probably has more to do with my motivation, rather than the code in itself, and the fact that the complexity here wasn’t required, and is now a needless hurdle that actually hinders progress. Not due to it’s quality, but do to unrelated motivation issues and us having to basically force ourselves to work on and finish the damn project.

  • There’s a piece of code in our hobby game project that I’ve written after attending classes in college about how to write clean and SOLID code. It’s the most overengineered piece of shit I’ve ever written. I’m not saying it’s the fault of the lectures, of course it’s on me being a little bit over zealous, but it does check all the boxes - It’s a simple “show selectable list of stuff”, follows MVC, it’s extensible without rewriting to adittional data-types and formats, extensible view that can show any part of data you need, generic, and in general it could be used anywhere we need, for any kind of data.

    There’s only one place where we need and use such list in our game.

    I needed to rewrite a part of it, since the UI changed drastically, to not need this kind of list, while also adding events into the process. I haven’t seen the code for almost 4 years, and it’s attrocious. Super hard to understand what’s going on, since it’s too generic, interfaces and classes all over the place, and while it probably would be possible to rewrite the views for the new features we need, it’s just so complex that I don’t have the mental capacity to again figure out how it was supposed to work and properly wire it up again.

    I’m not saying it’s fault of the classes, or SOLID. It’s entirely my fault, because the classes inspired and hyped me with ideas about what a clean code should look like, that I didn’t stop and think whether it’s really needed here, and went over-the-top and overengineered the solution. That’s what I’d say is the danger of such Clean Code books and classes - it’s easy to feel clever for making something that passes SOLID to the letter, but extensibility usually comes at a complexity, and it’s super important to stop and think - do I really need it?

  • I can’t decide whether this sentence is a joke or not. It has the same tone that triggers my PTSD from my CS degree classes and I also do recognize some of the terms, but it also sounds like it’s just throwing random science terms around as if you asked a LLM to talk about math.

    I love it.

    Also, it’s apparently also real and correct.

  • I see, stonks are way more bullshit than I thought. Is there anything else you can do with your stock, other than sell it to someone else? I always thought that crypto is such a scam especially because in the end, it has no value in itself, and the only thing you can do with it is sell it to someone else. If noone wants to buy it, well, you are fucked. Does it mean that stocks are exactly the same concept? I always thought it has something to do with the vaule of the company and the profits it earns, but if there is no way how to cash them out other than selling your piece of paper to someone, then it’s really the same? I suppose that unlike crypto, the stock price increases if the company is turning profit, but you still have to find someone to sell it to, right, so the price is increasing only because the demand from people willing to buy it is increasing due to it turning profit, but it’s not really tied to the actual value of the company, so it’s exactly like crypto? Or is the price set by some different mechanism than crypto is - pure demand from people willing to buy?

  • I’m 27 and regularly atttlend concerts in the 80s goth/postpunk/arkwave/synthpop scene. Every band has a CD and I always get one, though if they have MCs, which they sometimes have, I preffer those. As a profesional poser, listening to MCs on a walkman just has this unique feel CDs can’t replicate, while also helping with my attnention span since I can’t just easily skip songs midway and stick to the few ones I like, instead forcing me to enjoy the whole album which eventually grows on me.

    However, I’m probably not a good reference, since I also regularly host parties, DJ and help the local scene promoter with events, so music is pretty big part of my life.

    Also, I don’t really listen to them much. I have my own NAS with music, and instead of paying for spotify I download what I need from a private torrent tracker (which I need mostly for DJing, which I never get paid for and always volunteer, just like we do the events with free entry, yo no income from that). That’s why I make sure to buy the CDs, while also having a budget that’s in the same range as I’d spend on Spotify, that I make sure to use every month to buy an album I liked on Bandcamp, slowly replacing everything I’ve pirated with either CDs or bought digital albums. I feel like that way a lot more of my money end up at the hands of the artists, than if I just payed for a streaming service I don’t want to support, while also not limiting me just to the few albums I can afford (and also giving me offline backup if they ever pull the songs from spotify). Pirating is not ideal and I generaly don’t endorse it, but I feel like my approach is kind of morally ok-ish in the long run. Still not excusable, but I’d say better than just paying for Spotify.

  • A random account on FB, with only like one or two mutual friends and a name and profile picture both being reference to Tim Burton’s movies has messaged me because of a photo of me on a local old school goth festival. We started talking and hit it off pretty well, and eventually decided to meet. No-one of my friends knew who she was, I never saw any of her real pictures or had any indication whether I’m being scammed, catfished, or who the hell it is, other than her mentioning that she was part of the local goth scene several years ago, before I started participating.

    We decided to eventually meet before another party, and I went in half expecting I’ll just get a funny catfish story out of it, but I like collecting funny stories so why not. And she promised to bring alcohol, so all I was risking was one awkward afternoon I’d spend getting drunk with someone.

    We both arrived already tipsy, and I was met at the train station with a really nice looking girl carrying three bottles of mead, which we’ve managed to drink on the way to the party. It was amazing experience and we hit it off immediately and it was basically love at first sight. Both of us could hold our drinks well, and we got to the party pretty drunk but nowhere near too drunk - I can drink a lot and be OK (not that I do it too often), and it’s rare when I meet someone who can keep up with me.

    When we arrived, it turned out that half of the people already knows her, because she indeed was part of the scene around five years before my time, before she got into a really bad relationship she couldn’t get out of due to mortage for several years, cutting contact, but she changed her nickname so no one realized it was her I was talking about. She just got out of the relationship by moving out within a day because she found out he was cheating on her, and few months after that randomly decided to message me, because she saw me on photos with her highschool classmate - who was also my best friend who got me in the scene several years before that (I’m around 6 years younger than both of them), and her friend convinced her to just give it a try and message me.

    We’ve been together for almost 6 years, moved together four years ago, and we’ve eventually started DJing and hosting our own goth parties, among other things, while also helping local promoters with their events. All in all, it’s good, but it was a pretty random luck that we’ve met.

  • I might be wrong, but from how I understand it it probably wouldn’t help. Kernel drivers have a rigorous QA and cert by Microsoft if you want to get them signed, which is a process that may take a long time - longer than you can afford when pushing updates to AV/EDR to catch emerging threats. What Crowdstrike does to bypass this requirement is that the CS Falcon is just an engine, that loads, interprets and executes code from definition files. The kernel driver code then doesn’t need to change, so no need for new MS cert, and they can just push new definition files. So, they kind of have to deal with unsafe in this case, since you are executing a new code.