• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 4th, 2024


  • Yeah that’s fine, and completely true. I think people on Lemmy sometimes just get confused by the stat and don’t realize like… how hard most every generation before them also had to work (at least before 1970 or so). Like, on average, much harder than today.

    People see the whole productivity rise and people who are maybe not exactly lateral thinkers think that means the average employee literally works so much harder compared to the “comparatively easy” lives of before.

    It just ends up creating really… strange dynamics

  • Yeah it’s just kind of like… I don’t know what to call it other than pathetic. Everyone here postures themselves as being these great advocates for workers rights but seemingly that’s all contingent on a revolution that does nothing but give them more money for less work under the assumption that yunno, people like laborers and nurses and all the people with jobs that actually require continuous will just get fucked

  • Productivity has gone up because of technological and logistical innovations. Not because you personally work so much damn harder than your great grandpa ever did.

    Did you seriously not understand that? This is like middle school economics.

    And yes, I am literally saying most people should be able to do a good amount of enjoyable work for good pay. It is only freaks like yourself who have a knee jerk negative reaction to that because you read the word “work”

  • Yeah like. I’m sympathetic to this arguement, but anyone thinking the average American today works “harder” and more strenuously to the average American in like 1920 is off their gourd.

    All this stuff is really hard to measure, and ultimately we just need a system where people can live decent lives and not be miserable. There’s a difference between working hard and having a happy & fruitful life out of it and working little while remaining miserable


    Only in Lemmy could you get downvoted for suggesting that maybe doing enjoyable productive work is an okay thing. Day by day I’m more convinced the average user here just wants to live in the space ship from Wall-E getting force fed milkshakes all day

  • Interesting, you had no problem insulting entire demographics of people, implying that entire classes by definition aren’t “intellectuals” despite the vast amount of knowledge contained in the working class. Why does it offend you to know that you aren’t particularly intelligent - below average, even?

    Think of it this way. I am one of the “grunts” that you detest so much, who you think should always be beneath the managerial class. I have paid off my house at 30, I have a beautiful partner who I love. I advocate for the working class in my personal life. In my spare time I read a lot, largely in my (quaint, but very much still there) home library. I really do like my job, and I feel like I’m compensated fairly.

    You are a guy who sits on the computer, performing jobs for clients you hate, who you can never relate to. In your spare time you advocate that the managerial / technocrat class should always be above and superior to manual laborers (“grunts”) who provide you your livlihood, always making more money. You are probably single.

    Who is the intellectual in this case? Who is the sucker?