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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • In both suburban(+rural?) and city areas, I hear a lot more of people racing their cars and honking lately. I suppose it is how they deal with their stress, by ignoring the needs of others as they think only of themselves.

    Even if the former stuff is not the actual and literal cause of sleeplessness, I do find it highly emblematic/symbolic. People get theirs and everyone else can deal with it as best they can, or not, whatevs.

  • OpenStars@startrek.websitetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Including one of its two cofounders. They agreed they they would use puppets but never CGI, and they said that they would remain pure to the storyline rather than “sell out” for the sake of profits.

    But then season 1 was a success and one but not the other cofounder wanted moar monay, so as soon as the second season it had already begun to lose everything that it spent that first season building up.

    The magic was gone, not entirely, but mostly, having been sacrificed for the sake of chasing profits “above all else”.

  • Even volunteers. Yup. The amount of colleges and hospitals and everything else you can think of looking for e.g. older retirees who are bored, or young teens who need experience or whatever, they’ll take it all. Without paying them a cent. Then when they get enough of those, they start to cut back on the paid staff. The poor volunteers do not even realize that by “helping” they are putting people out of real jobs:-(. [Edit: which then continues that cycle where they have to beg for more help b/c they are in such “need” and won’t someone think of the poor children, or the people undergoing cancer treatment or whatever - don’t you want to… “help”?] Meanwhile the managers are seen walking around in expensive italian shoes…

    Even the most non-profit activities can be weaponized to become a tool to make moar money, if only you are willing to do that to people! 🤮

  • Firefox is far from perfect though, and in fact it is so far that I do not blame people for not using it. I mean, I still do on my phone, but even there I keep wondering when I will get around to trying alternatives someday. When I do switch though, I will probably always keep a copy of Chrome handy, just in case.

    As an example, if you use a PIV card (for work or whatever), Firefox has long-standing bugs from YEARS in the past where it will just keep querying it, over and over again, every five seconds, all day, every day. Not to visit websites that might need it mind you but just b/c. You cannot both keep a PIV plugged in and have Firefox open, unless you go in and do complicated stuff to remove the driver inside Firefox - which removes the option to use it when you do need it - and then even you have to keep doing that all over again each time you restart it (unless you tinker around and do even more complicated stuff - at which point why don’t I just switch to LibreWolf or some such?).

    Anyway, I still somewhat like Firefox - I use it daily and exclusively on my mobile - but again, it is not perfect, so I understand when others may make a different choice.

  • no one is going to save us. We have to do it ourselves.



    Two additional thoughts:

    One is that a lot of the evil being done “by America” is actually being done more by evil people who hide behind it like a shield. Even if all of America were to fall, these illuminati types would go on, reduced/diminished but still viable. Like a witch controlling a zombie or a japanese manga type person sitting inside of a robot, the USA may be a good tool for the true master’s purpose (e.g., Haliburton, Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin, etc.), but they can surely find other tools besides just the one. It is just that the USA prostates itself before them so well that they like this one.

    I think it is important to make that distinction, b/c e.g. if someone attacks you and you merely knock the gun out of their hand, the problem is not “solved”, especially if in their other hand they still hold a knife. You imply that we should “wake up” - and I agree, and this is part of that, to disambiguate the various factors involved. America shares an enormous portion of this blame, by virtue of stupidly signing our body away to serve the desires of some other mind than our own - fulfilling its purposes instead of the one that that “we” all want to be done, i.e. for people to be able to live in their own spaces and have a chance at happiness.

    Which leads me to the second thing: this video is not necessarily “cynical”, though I understand why you say that. It is truly one of the more unbiased depictions of this matter that I have ever seen or heard or read, and by virtue of it refusing to tell us how to “feel” about the matter, it does come across in our cultures that are traditionally so amped-up in the latter regard that it seems wooden by comparison. I liken it to when astronaughts wanted to make rockets to go into space, and someone gives a dissertation on “gravity”. Knowing about how gravity works is how you get into space - it is not that it cannot be done, it is just a Truism about the world that becomes relevant when talking about leaving the planet. So while talking about gravity may sound “cynical” to someone who wants to talk rather about flying through space, it is in fact a necessary first step.

    So rather than cynical, I see it as neutral. Other videos provide plenty of motivational calls to action, but that is not the purpose of this particular one, which is solely to inform - and I actually appreciate that so much about it! e.g. conservatives and liberals alike can watch it and become better informed, without hampering the spread of that information by mixing it along with political rhetoric that allows only a single interpretation of it. I am not saying that *I* am neutral, but I am saying that I like it when information is, b/c imho that is the best way to further the cause of understanding, from which people can be helped better (than by e.g. misinformation and lack of understanding).

  • People did answer the question. Re-read the top two comments, sorted by Top. The question was “Why don’t we hear more about…?”.

    It is emotionally difficult to accept, but it is the reality that we live in. The richer people have bodyguards and send their kids to better-protected schools, maybe bring in private tutors that are each more expensive than a cheap college education. They deal with this shit in their own way, leaving everyone else to the “freedom” to do as they please - subject to the whims of other lords who e.g. buy up all the media outlets, or buy up all the houses, etc. People do not wish to understand that this is what “absolute freedom” looks like, aka anarchy.

    And quite frankly, random gun violence isn’t even the top threat in America, bc climate change seems much more likely to kill us all, or else an actual civil war, or perhaps Russia or China will shut down our entire power grid, if our own home-grown terrorist extremists don’t beat them to it.

    iirc, most people here die of heart disease and cancer, and other things that mere exercise may provide a partial solution for. So we don’t care about the deaths of kids or strangers for the sake reason we continue to eat burgers every single day: bc they are tasty and we DGAF about anything else.