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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


    toFuck[meme] I don't park on the road with the plebs
    13 days ago

    Fair warning, I’m going to make a metric fucktonne of assumptions here, but that looks like a fairly modern British housing estate there with the associated infrastructure. Most greenery and pathway maintenance are contracted out to a third party as part of a service charge these days, and it’s cunts like this leaving tyre marks on the grass, or tracks where they’ve done an oopsie with their right hoof in 2WD mode or without traction control on that leave everyone’s maintenance bill that bit higher.

    That, and it’s getting to the point where even a Land Rover Disco isn’t so much of a “big” car as it used to be, not with these yank tanks becoming more commonplace.

    The size, and the location of it right on the edge of the road, might make it seem clever, but in reality it just makes it more of a bastard to cross the road safely for adults, let alone for kids.

    It’s frustrating as fuck.

  • It’s an awful decision!

    I’ve seen a similar design fail at a veterinary kennels - super Gucci, super nice, super high tech… but useless because a deep scarlet was used as a kennel floor paint. For the sickest of dogs (in the health sense, not busting 900’s in a doggy daycare halfpipe) - one of the first signs of serious illness is blood being left from one or more orifices in the kennel after a set amount of time. The nature of the floor meant that this couldn’t be seen at first glance.

    Same thing with black latex gloves - they might make you feel like you’re about to pull of a diamond heist, it they’re a bit shit for medicinal use as a medic or first responder can’t check for (or otherwise notice) hidden blood or leakage during an initial survey.

    Interesting stuff if you ever get to work beside those sorts of folks.