• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • While I think that many are ok with ‘trying out’ Lemmy by joining a random instance at first, I also have seen numerous threads in which users are complaining about not being able to subscribe to communities they are interested in, only to be told that the instance hosting the communities they are interested in is blocked by their instance. I don’t think it makes for a good first impression to join a Lemmy instance, only to be immediately told that you need to join another instance to see the content you are interested in.

  • They’re all fuckheads. Scholz doesn’t want to send Taurus, but he wants to send more artillery munition. Macron only wants to send EU-made artillery munition, even though the european arms manufacturers are at the limit of their current artillery munition production capacity, but international stocks could be bought immediately.

    Now Macron’s talks about boots on the ground, even though he will never convince anyone else with that. He’s bringing politics into a decision that should be made efficiently and quickly.

    Between Scholz and Macron, both are disappointments, but Macron is the bigger burden to Ukranian aid right now.

  • I guess you’re right. His pronounciation isn’t very clear. The tl;dw is, and I don’t claim it to be all encompassing, watch the video if you really want to know what was said, that Poland and Hungary not only weren’t ‘annexed’ into NATO, not only asked nicely to join, but actively bribed and forced their way into NATO. Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin made a horse-trade, where Poland and Hungary joining NATO was scheduled to happen after elections in Russia, but before US elections, so that both can win their reelection. The ascension of Poland and Hungary was clearly communicated and signed off between both head of states. The issue lies with the rest of both countries. Other politicians, on both sides, stirred more hostility. When Bush and Putin took over, the relationship between both coutries deteriorated even further. Bush’s unilateral push to get Georgia and Ukraine into NATO is, according to the video, the reason why Putin invaded Georgia. However after Bush, Obama took over and made it NATO policy that a country must have full control over its land, excluding Georgia for being partially occupied and Ukraine for having singed a lease on the Sevastapol naval base with the Russians, on top of the majority of Ukrainians at the time being against joing NATO. Obama has mellowed his tone significantly towards Russia compared to Bush. Only with the Euromaidan happening did Russia decide that, actually, Ukrainians are nazis and NATO is encroaching our borders and we need to defend ourselves. NATO enlargement isn’t ‘the US broke all agreements and is pushing for encirclement’, but different presidents having different goals. Clinton wanted to be reelected and Poland threatened to mobilize voters with polish roots for the Republicans. Bush was a warmonger that wanted to steamroll everyone, including Russia. Obama was looking to ease tensions and make alliances. The issue with Ukraine is separate from those presidents however. It was triggered by Putin getting spooked by popular uprisings.