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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It think it’s debatable about how you define Races, but it’s also quite obvious that biological races exist. There are specific differences in the physical biology that separate the races, and common traits among them that identify them as part of the group. Skin color, hair type, bone structure, genetic predisposition to certain diseases, etc. Physical traits are passed from the parents to the children, and when the parents are of different races we get blending of the characteristics and so on. Some Native Americans even have different kinds of teeth than European-Caucasian descended folks do.

    Basically it’s not something you can choose or change, it’s an immutable biological set of characteristics. I don’t know what “race” the Jews in Israel are exactly but I suspect it depends a lot on the region their ancestors are from. Many of them might even be the same “race” as Palestinians.

  • And that’s why your phone’s probably fucked up. Just install whatever, for the alleged convenience. But you already have a web browser, and you could simply make a bookmark to the website you visit frequently.

    I get 3 days of battery life between charges on my phone without all that kind of bullshit on there. Running GrapheneOS on a supported Pixel with sandboxed Google Play services and zero social media apps that are not open source.

  • how many people then immediately jump to say that they’ll wait for season 2 (or 5, because god forbid it gets cancelled) before they watch?

    I never do that, and anyone who does is really overthinking how the TV box works. You just watch the shit if you think it’s interesting and you feel like it. There’s no “investment” there to worry about. If the show gets cancelled, then that sucks, but it was just a TV show. There are many others to move on to for your time wastage.