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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023

  • Russia did push a lot of propaganda and they probably still do, but France clamps down on it from time to time.

    Members of the extreme right also follow each other online, so it’s not really possible to tell if a french translation of a replacement theory conspiracy meme was made by a Russian at the IRA, or by a genuine french incel.

    Putin’s trolls also support the far right party of Le Pen and that party repays this support by voicing their support for Putin from time to time, similar to other extreme left/right parties in Europe. Getting Le Pen elected in France would be almost as big a coup for Putin as a re-election of Trump in the Usa: it would damage the eu, NATO, give Wagner free reign over the Sahel and stop french support for Ukraine. And unlike Trump, Le Pen is not an idiot, so she would be able to do a lot more damage in a lot less time. This all makes France a prime target for the Russian propaganda machine.

    What France doesn’t have (yet), is a popular domestic far right media empire. There is a conservative family building up a similar misinformation empire as that of Murdoch, but they’re only getting started, so it’s nothing like in the UK or USA (yet): https://www.france24.com/en/france/20230711-france-s-murdoch-right-wing-media-swoop-threatens-pillar-of-french-democracy

  • Chimps also have sex for fun, I don’t know about frequency. What sets bonobos apart from chimps and humans is that they use sex for conflict resolution. If humans or chimps have a territorial dispute, then it’s going to lead to a violent war. If bonobos have a territorial dispute, then they usually sex it out (somehow, I don’t know how they decide who comes out on top, if someone has to come out on top that is, maybe post nut clarity is enough to convince everyone that it’s not worth the fuzz).

    I only know one instance in human history where (maybe) something similar happened: Richard Lionheart and Philip of France.

  • I was talking about stories involving rape that made it into international media and that I read about. Uttar Pradesh features frequently in those.

    Anecdotal stories and statistics are 2 different things, but it’s possible to infer some things from them. One important thing about statistics is that you should never accept them at face value (the same with anecdotal stories obviously), they are collected by humans after all.

    Your wiki page is about crime, but there’s also one about rape: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India

    That page has statistics about “registered” rape cases. In the registered rape cases Uttar Pradesh ranks fairly low, which does not correlate with the amount of scandals that make it into international media. And since loads of those scandals seem to involve police, it’s not a stretch to conclude that the number of registered cases is a vast underestimation of the real amount.

    Reasons why it’s likely lower: police refuse to register cases against specific persons or cases from specific people (Dalits), but far more will not be registered simply because the victims don’t even try. There’s the shame of it being known that you were raped, but there’s also justified fear of retaliations afterwards, if the police wasn’t directly involved in the rape in the first place.

    The mismatch between the high amount of anecdotal stories and the low statistics also tells us that there’s no improvement to be expected in the next few years. The first step to recovery, is accepting that you have a problem, and Uttar Pradesh is clearly not there yet.

  • Seems like a pretty objective open minded comment to me, I wonder what they replied to.

    I looked up rule 1 if lemmy.ml: No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. Code of Conduct.

    The code of conduct is that of Lemmy org, I never read it till now and I’m very disappointed by the next part: “Remarks that moderators find inappropriate, whether listed in the code of conduct or not, are also not allowed.”. Basically total mod discretion, so by extension, “rule 1” of lemmy.ml also boils down to total mod discretion.

    According to the code of conduct, there’s also supposed to be first warnings, temporary bans and the chance for repeals according to the code of conduct. Which does sound nice, but I wonder if it’s also done in practice in some Lemmy communities. It seems pretty hard to provide a system for this that is not based on happenstance. Does anyone have experience with this?

  • Every citizen of a democratic country, who is still inside Russia at this point, is a potential hostage and bargaining chip for the Russian government. There’s no independent press or judiciary in Russia and the Russian government has no morals and few scruples. If they need a hostage, they’ll take one.

    Griner (a basket ball player convicted to 25y in prison for petty charges) was exchanged for Viktor Bout (the person on whom the movie Lord of War was based).

    The Russian laws are also a minefield of post truths and petty rules, so it’s not hard to find some kind of charge against any individual. Basically everyone will be breaking the law in some way in Russia and the crooks in the Russian government can decide when and where to go after someone.

  • Yeah, it’s a “both sides” argument, while it actually isn’t both sides. The comment is trying to paint politicians from both sides as equally bad, while I have only read articles about republicans doing this. And they’ve been at it for years, it must have been 2019 or 2020 when I first read about the book thing.

    But moral standards for democrats are slipping as well, which is why I wanted to give that poster the benefit of the doubt and I was hoping that someone could provide a source showing that (some) democrats too are now guilty of this.

  • Is this still an almost exclusively republican graft or are there now also democrats who have started doing the same thing?

    Edit: since this question is apparently gathering downvotes without an answer, an explanation for why I posed this question:

    As far as I know this is not a “both sides” problem, but it’s something that is being systematically done by republican politicians, not by democrat politicians. Framing it as something that is done by “politicians” paints all politicians as equally bad and deplorable, but that is simply not the case for this practice.

    Now I do not consume all possible media all the time, so it’s possible that I am out of the loop in this instance and this practice is now also being done by democrats, which is why I asked the question.

  • I also have the impression that google jumped on the feature treadmill that microsoft is on. Working with Google ads + analytics in 2016 was a pleasant experience, it was fairly simple and it worked. I could easily maintain it as a side project next to my main job, but a few years later and it had become a feature treadmill where all new features seemed to have 3 goals in common: waste my time by making me migrate settings to basically end up with the same end result, make the product more convoluted to use + milk more money per customer. Add to that, that facebook campaigns were both easier to run and resulted in more good leads for us and it doesn’t look good for Google.

  • It did draw extra attention, lots of extra attention actually. Navalny’s problems in the Russian prison system made the news frequently, regularly reminding everyone what a fucked up state Russia is. Immolating himself on the red square would have been far less effective since that’s been done a few times already (there’s been a few people who have immolated themselves there already). So as a suicide with a message/martyr for a cause, it was in my perception fairly effective at getting a message across I think. Point in case: we’re talking about it again even now …