My ex GF made us leave in the middle of LOTR: Return of the King.
She is my ex for unrelated reasons.
She is my ex for unrelated reasons.
Oh, I should also mention the last live action Tarzan that had a Skarsgard in it: It was a train wreck lol
I saw the South Park Bigger, Longer, and Uncut movie in theaters as a kid. I lived in a small town adjacent to a small city, and there weren’t many other people in the theater. During the scene where the boys are watching the Terrace and Phillip movie and the theater-goers walk out, so did everyone else in our real life theater. It was surreal. We had a great time watching the rest of the movie by ourselves.
I can’t imagine not loving every second of that movie. I still sing Uncle Fucker to myself.
Around the time the movie was released I worked over nights stocking at a Toys R Us. As soon as the store closed I would connect my discman to the PA system and we would listen to music all night. One day we were working later than usual because of Christmas, no one told us the store had actually opened and Uncle Fucker was playing over the PA.
As someone from Oklahoma, the fact that Uncle Fucker has a similar melody and ending pleases me to no end. Sorry, edit to add, to Oklahoma the musical song
Treys a notorious musical nerd, so that tracks.
I think that was their intention lol
Barnyard. My daughter and I used to go see EVERY kids movie when she was between 5 and 12 yrs. Let me tell you, I have learned to enjoy some shitastic movies. Then came Barnyard. 30 minutes in, it was so bad, I leaned over to my (then 6 years old) daughter and said “Sweetie, do you like this movie?” She looked at me with the most serious face and just said “No”.
I bet she looks back on those memories with you very fondly and realizes how much you love her.
Weirdly enough the barnyard TV show was weirdly good. Like it was bad but also kinda ok in that weird way that after awhile you stop caring that its vaguely bad and it actually ends up ok.
While not a bad movie, I saw a guy get up and leave after loudly giving an unhinged rant during Detective Pikachu
Reason: A line from the title character about “How can you NOT believe in Climate Change at this point?”
Same genius nearly got his ass beat by a members of a mostly black audience when he complained about Miles Morales being black during a Spider-Man preview in front of Black Panther
Is this just coincidence that it was the same guy at 2 different movies or is this someone you’re going to see movies with?
Coincidence, it’s a pretty small town, like not “Everyone knows everyone” small, but small enough so that the theaters are rarely packed and it’s mostly just big cinema fans who go. (All the families getting together to see a super hero with the same skintone as them in his first major movie, Black Panther, was the fullest I had seen it It wasn’t even packed that much for End Game)
So he was easy to pick out in the crowd, him having the same loud voice and the same attire both times was easy to pick out.
I think he was there when our theater had a one night only showing of DBS: Broly (Which was funnily enough the only other time I’ve seen it crowded)
In an unexpected twist, op was the guy, witnessing his own chicanery in an out-of-body experience/fugue state
I haven’t seen Detective Pikachu but it doesn’t exactly sound like the sort of film you’d go to for a political meltdown. Guy sounds like legend!
It really isn’t!
Across the universe… like half of the theatre walked out. It truly was a piece of shit movie.
A guy in the row in front of me exasperatedly said ’ I did the wrong damn drugs for this shit’ as he walked out.
Okay fucking THANK YOU. I remember that movie being absolute shit and I would have walked out if I wasn’t on a date with someone I was super into, but that was an absolutely terrible hot mess of a movie and it felt like all of my friends loved the movie and I’m like are you sure this is the same movie???!?!
Yeah, not a great movie. Would have worked better as a series of unrelated music videos.
Some people told me they thought it was amazing.
They were all the pretentious douche types who unironically wore berets to poetry slams back then. The movie was terrible and I love beetles music.
For my parents, their walk out because it was terrible movie was Pulp Fiction
…Yeah I don’t listen to them for movie recommendations
To be fair if they went into it not knowing how graphic Quentin Tarantino movies usually are, then I can see why they’d leave. It’s got literal rape and sodomy in it.
No, they just found the plot too confusing and “badly written”
Well, it is pulp
It wasn’t me, but Pan’s Labyrinth had quite the exodus of parents with their younger kids when someone was beaten with a bottle and shot to death very early on.
Was that the one with or without David Bowie?
You’re thinking of “Labyrinth”. Which is still a masterpiece of eccentric fantasy.
Weirdly enough the movies I’ve been to with the most audible walk-outs were all good films:
Schindler’s list
I think two of them just got too much for people and the other one had them worried they’d wind up on a list.
I’ve seen Salo but I really wouldn’t call it good. I nearly did walk out, and I sat through Battlefield Earth (although admittedly I was drunk, which helped a lot)
Fair enough. It’s not good if your criteria for “good” includes being enjoyable, that’s for sure.
I think it’s very good and hope to never see it again.
I didn’t even know Salo had been theatrically released
@HawlSera oh, yeah but its initial run in Italy was less than a month before it got banned. Same thing happened a few times elsewhere. It had a run in the US. Some countries preemptively banned it.
In my country it was banned until 1997 which is when I saw it on the big screen, but we didn’t get legal distribution for DVDs until this century.
Watched a ton of people exit Battlefield Earth. Two granny aged women sitting near me walked out of Wolf of Wall Street once Jonah Hill pulled his dick out (in the film, not in the theater)
That movie Wanted where Jolie curve balls bullets and Freeman reads the future by means of textile production
I loved that movie… Reminded me of shoot-em-up around the same era
I loved that movie when I was 14
Great movie, despite the ridiculousness
That one is not bad if you go in knowing that it’s just fucking ridiculous. It’s great for a bad b-movie night.
I went in knowing it from the comics and was not amused. Even worse than Snyder making Rorschach the good guy in Watchmen. Even misunderstanding/deliberate sabotage of everything from the source is better than just ignoring the best part of the plot.
How the hell do you take a setting where the supervillains won and end up with “some dudes just curve bullets bro”
I didn’t even like the comics but that was just lame
Watchmen was the only movie I saw people leave.
Granted, they were probably expecting some generic superhero movie.
It’s neither bad (it’s entertaining and competently-made even if absurd) nor a B-movie (by definition)
Oh c’mon. The keyboard smash across the face that spells fuck you? That’s HORRIBLE. Hilarious, but horrible.
The screaming in that movie made me want to punch the shit outta the guy getting dragged around by Jolie. God, he screams so annoyingly!
Bruh, YOU can’t curve bullets, don’t bring the rest of us down with you. I for one have been breaking the laws of physics for years
I loved Wanted, that movie captured what it was like to work in a hive office environment with an equally horrific boss everyone pretended to like, also great action flick that bordered on a superhero movie.
In “Mother” there were a couple of Manc women at the back who were either in there to see J Law or thought it’d be a regular horror movie to watch after the pub. They kept reacting to the movie throughout - at first because it was boring, and then with incredulity at what was happening onscreen. They’d only had enough though by the baby cannibalism scene.
Somewhat related.
I must have heard of the M Night Shyamalan Avatar movie coming out but got confused and saw the blue alien Avatar instead. I was disappointed when I realized but I dodged a bullet.
Edit: For context I was a kid, it sounds weird without that info.
The Airbender movie was an amazing accomplishment of sorts. It somehow managed to completely suck in every single dimension a movie can suck in. Casting, direction, acting, fighting, pacing, dialog, special effects, practical effects, and wardrobe were all complete disasters.
Naw, you didn’t dodge a bullet, it’s more like you still got hit, but it grazed a major organ instead of pierecing it. (James Cameron’s Avatar sucks)
I watched an elderly couple walk out of The Aristocrats. It just added to the whole experience. But on top of that, the movie started with Morgan Freeman narrating some bullshit about cold weather. Some penguins appeared on screen and everyone collectively realized they had accidentally started playing fucking March of the Penguins!
All around a night well spent
Not really related but one time I went to a movie showing and no one else was there. Two individuals came in at separate times and sat on both sides of me right next to me and I was so uncomfortable at this situation I left. In hindsight it was a horror movie and maybe they were too nervous to see it alone but it’s often on my mind.
Zoolander 2. I should’ve walked out with them.
I’m kind of happy I didn’t know they made a second Zoolander. I love the first one and it’d break my heart to see them try and capture lightning in a bottle twice.
Keep it that way. It was painful to sit through, and it takes a lot for me to actively dislike a piece of media. Even when it’s things that are widely considered to be bad I tend to just feel indifference.
Remember: Comedy is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of Zoolander.
TIL there is a second movie