• 25 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldCanvas is coming Back! (July 12th)
    6 days ago

    Eh, I know a bunch of people who left Lemmy just because they did this, I’m not gonna do something else, but they should also realize people don’t want a Reddit clone and this stuff will make people leave.

    People left Reddit to get away from this stuff, try being unique instead of emulating what you left. Like the tired old trope of your very “unique comment” as well…….

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldguess I'll die
    13 days ago

    I’m telling you I’ve done that, there is multiple people telling you they’ve never heard of this either.

    What’s wrong with naming two countries if you’re some of yourself…?

    Doesn’t even need to be the two you’ve been, why is this question so hard for you to answer if you believe in this so much?

    Even professionals make mistakes… why do you think that supports your claims? Answer the question and people can answer this for you.

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldguess I'll die
    13 days ago

    You’re free to go to those places if you can support yourself or be supported by someone else who would be paying into the system.

    Too many people abuse the system, and they would need to increase everyone else’s taxes if they just let everyone in. Reality is, no one wants double the taxes and people leaching off the system, even if they would lie and say it publicly.

    It’s not framing anything, that’s just reality, you’re free to bury your head in the sand and think elsewise, but all it does it prove how foolish and naive you are.

  • The hate is for making a pretty obviously false claim about no power loss. Increasing or even decreasing the exhaust length will affect performance. So for them to add 8” and claim there is no loss of power is quite frankly an outright lie. So it’s being called out, and yet people are defending the asinine claim, it’s hilarious and very concerning as well.

    People are also focusing on the wrong information, the total db was reduced by a paltry 2db, not 12db like what’s being talked about.

    So they provide sound data that is misleading, and make a claim about power and not provide the data. This just reads marketing piece instead of anything on the actual tech.

  • They provided the DB data so your argument for all of those reasons is invalid. They could have easily spent a single sentence providing the CFM data. So no, not a single one of those reasons is valid to omit 6 words.

    They made a claim, they didn’t need to mention the power claim, but they did. They should have omitted the claim itself using your logic, instead of the supporting data. The argument is flawed itself.

    and we commonly have to accept that a certain presupposed level of knowledge as well as ambiguity is necessary.

    Like knowing making a discharge tube longer or shorter affects its aerodynamics….? So we know the claim is false already…? Their ambiguity is meant to mislead people with zero working knowledge of the subject… anyone with any experience will see its flaw immediately.

  • It’s a wild statement to claim it doesn’t reduce power when even increasing the length of the discharge tube would affect its performance, and they’ve added a good 8”. Every time like this comes out without the data to back it up, it’s always false, everytime. If it wasn’t the data would be provided now wouldn’t it? Even just showing the CFM data would be enough, but they purposely omit it.

    The fact that they purposely omitted data that they have is extremely concerning, it’s not a bold claim say it’s obviously false. It’s bold to claim something like that that goes against what we already know about physics.

    I am sorry you are eating up this “marketing”, it’s why products like this are even sold, it’s hilarious, the amount of people defending this asinine claim is honestly quite shocking, especially on a community like this.

    Not exactly a good scientific method here, mate.

    Uhh… I’m not the one making claims that goes against common knowledge of aerodynamics and then not providing that data. So sure, wanting someone to prove their claim makes me bad at scientific method…?? Maybe the people defending bullshit claims are the ones you should be calling out, oh wait that you yourself. Give you head a fucking shake lmfao.