• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Floccus is what I use for bookmarks.

    Works across pretty much any browser and on Android (maybe iOS, I’m not sure). I’ve got it set up on my Synology NAS through webdav, and it’s been reliable.

    I do also use Linkwarden, but that’s more to collect web pages, and not just bookmark them. The archive feature is great, since it doesn’t rely on the page still being live to work.

    Linkwarden and Floccus are very different, IMO.

  • do you re-watch enough YT videos that you need to archive your subscriptions?

    Well, if I can get it working, I would much rather be watching via Jellyfin on my TV and not whatever crappy, privacy-invading, ad-shoving Youtube app I’m forced to use.

    But realistically, I want to keep some how-to / maintenance videos archived, because I’ve lost track of how many times they went “private” and can’t be accessed anymore. Some really niche product use/maintenance videos tend to disappear.

    I have no real interest in data hoarding vlogs or other crap. Just informational stuff.

  • Perfect is the enemy of good enough, the goal should be for everyone to reduce their footprint

    I agree. The aim isn’t to be perfect, but hell, we should at least make a minimal effort.

    At the scale of a country if we get 90% of the people to reduce their red meat and dairy intake by 60% it would be a massive win already.

    We don’t need 90% or 60%. Even 10% would create massive shifts in multiple industries responsible for harming the environment. And if a group is in a position to promote plant-based diets, they really should. As a minimum for change.

    Roughly 15% of the world population has IBS which means a much larger number than 0.1% cannot go vegan (I’m one of them). I try my best to reduce my food footprint but there’s only so much I can do.

    I’m not trying to force anyone who medically can’t go vegan, to hurt themselves. Veganism entails not using animal products, not just avoiding their consumption.

    But I’m assuming the entire organization isn’t made up of people with IBS, so they should still be promoting a vegan lifestyle when possible.

    Also by your reasoning you can’t be a member of an organisation fighting against climate change if you’re not vegan, that’s a great way to drive people away from the cause…

    Not true. That’s like saying they can’t be members if they own a car. Granted, I would highly question any environmental group where every member drove a car for all their trips.

    What matters is the message and whether individuals in the organization are making an effort to be better, not just yell at politicians and industry leaders.

    “Lead by example”, “be the change”, and all that…

  • You can find other orgs that fight against climate change who promote veganism within their organization and to the general population. Greenpeace, for example. Hell, even Greta Thunberg, who’s had more of an impact than these other guys, is vegan.

    The idea is to “be the change”, and you can’t be telling one group (i.e. the fossil fuel industry) to stop doing what they are doing, while acting in ways that demonstrably harm the environment needlessly.

    A plant-based diet, perhaps above all else, is one of the most powerful tools we have to fight climate change. And once you convince one person to go vegan, they will likely change their lifestyle beyond diet to reduce their carbon footprint and rely less on the fossil fuel industry.

    The industry won’t go anywhere if they still have 8 billion customers. As individuals, our day-to-day lives impact their bottom line; we can make them money, or we can prevent them from making money.

    I don’t discredit their efforts, but their credibility. It would go a long way if their members showed that they were serious about climate change in their own lives, while fighting against the industry.

    Anyway, I just asked the question, since I don’t know this group. Perhaps they are all vegans, and they go after the livestock industry, too.