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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • A Neutral UN city not directly ran by Israel or Palestine would likely have settled a lot of tensions. Firstly, Israel couldn’t claim it their capital, which has been a major pain point for decades now. Something Trump further inflamed by moving the US Consulate to Israel in it.

    If it were made a place where all religions of all type are allowed in all parts as a historical landmark, maybe there’d be a peaceful place where the three Bbrahamic religions could actually find common ground.

    Instead they created a religious McGuffin to fight over.

  • The state of Isreael was officially founded in 1948 but there was never any formal agreement on who controls which parts of the region. The Arabs got driven from their homes and only kept the West Bank and the Gaza Strip but were obviously never happy about that.

    This is one place I just want to offer some correction:

    There was a formal agreement between UN/West and the Jewish people who occupied the areas that were to become Israel. The British Mandate of Palestine had a sizeable Jewish population already which is why it was also favoured.

    It was the Arab nations who completely disagreed and said “NO” to the partition plans. Under which a large portion of the southern half of Israel would become Palestine-Jordan. (Jordan was originally intended to be the Palestinian/muslim portion). The WestBank was accepted as Jordanian in this agreement, as well as Gaza ownership was by Egypt. Israel would originally honour those borders.

    Once the British Mandated ended and Israel formed, All the surrounding Arab nations attacked Israel immediately, Calling for all Muslims within the Israel land to leave Israel and fight against it. Israel won this war annexing the entirety of Israel instead.

    Israel would not actually take Gaza or the West Bank until later wars. They took West Bank from Jordan; Gaza and the Sinai from Egypt. They would later return Sinai to Egypt as part of Peace treaty, but Egypt did not want Gaza due their own history with the Palestinian’s of the region.

    As for the Muslim’s who stayed in Israel after its forming? They’re citizens and have full vote/power/rights as every single other Israeli citizen. Since Israel is a democracy with a fairly secular government (even if it’s currently ran by right wing terrorists).

  • Short Answer - Money.

    Long Answer:

    Money and Greed :p

    But in reality, it’s usually just money. Ultimately if a company has decided that it’s sole purpose for existing is maximization of wealth for it’s owners, it will inevitably tend to go to the traditional business routes and hire executives who are educated in doing exactly that.

    Technology companies in particular are prime for that because everyone hopes to eventually either become the next Apple/Microsoft, or be bought out by them. It’s fast, short term and big money.

    Only time in my career I was laid off was because of this. Brother owners had been running their business for 40 years very well and very employee friendly. We got lots of bonuses and pay outs based on revenues and was an awesome place to work.

    one of the 3 died and so the other 2 decided it was time to retire, and they did exactly this. Went out and hired a CEO who came from a reputable business school, who has done nothing but “be an executive” since graduating, and was purely a sociopath.

    within 3 years the company was a horrendous place to work for. our bonuses nearly all disapeared, or started getting pegged to arbitrary company performance standards and other bullshit. by the end of 3 years 30% of us were then let go.

    All because this shmuck’s primary objective was “maximize the value of the company above all else” and for him, that meant going after the employees. Since we released ZERO product in those 3 years since he took over.

  • I’m sure she did all that for you because she’s one of the good teachers and expects absolutely zero back from you.

    A simple note, and maybe a small gift (Chocolate as other mentioned is fine, but maybe a small permanent thing. if you shared your love of something with her, maybe something related?

    but the note is probably the thing that will mean the most to her. Especially if you write it from the heart.

    as for you and your changes. What a tremendous amount of growth you’ve exhibited here. You’ve clearly learned and improved yourself. your writing is very well done and thoughtful.

    congrats on your personal growth. I am just an older dude on the internet (probably your dad’s age) and I can only say that based on what you’ve written here, I am proud of you.

  • thank you.

    I am trying to get into Lemmy after Reddit’s descent into a hate filled fest of terrorism supporters and foreign bots trying to disrupt communities.

    I have been very hesitant to post and participate here because there are several communities that seem to be going down the same path of being formed to exclusively pushed one specific narrative.

    For example /c/WorldNews should be deleted as well as the mods. it isn’t covering world news. They have posted a single topic for one point and removed anyone else

    that is against your ToS as well since it’s being used to push hate and racism.