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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • You are right, I don’t know you. But if you are so good-hearted deep inside, why would you call trans people narcissistic for trying to address the unfairness of life by their own means?

    Yet for all you say of me not knowing you, you don’t seem to be trying to understand anyone else either. All you have to show are the shallowest platitudes you can think of.

    You are right, life is unfair. Which is exactly why you can’t count on governments providing what you need, why people might need to figure it out on their own. In light of that, is it really so shocking that people may resort to illegal means? Yet even that is being taken away.

    You don’t seem to have a drop of sympathy for that, you don’t know or care about what severe gender dysphoria may be like, you talk of it as if it was merely denying them a luxury. No, this is not the sort of thing that may be alleviated treated by “eating healthier” or “access to transportation”.

    Frankly, all this pearl-clutching about illegality and regulation sounds like something from someone who believes society is far more ideal than it really is. Or is your point just “get fucked when you are told to”? Because that’s the only way I can see conciliating the inherent unfairness of life with strict adherence to the rules.

  • Spoken as someone who haven’t ever bothered to talk to trans people or read about them a single day of your life. Consistently studies and accounts from transgender people indicate that gender transition diminishes the rates of suicide and suicidal ideation.

    But it shows how little you know that the best you have to say is “sometimes life sucks for other people too”. Guess what, this isn’t about you. No idea why you are even so invested in the risks and needs related to something that has nothing to do with you. Because clearly it isn’t out of care for other people.

  • Right. This is only “right” because tech corporations were allowed to undermine the meaning of ownership without any attempt to protect customer rights. The concept of “buying a license” is fundamentally contradictory, because without the transfer of ownership, nothing was “bought”. Yet they still present this licensing process as if it was a purchase, which is deceptive.

    Many take it for granted that this is just the nature of digital purchases, but the digital market simply created the opportunity for companies to redefine purchases with less resistance. Now they are trying to do the same with physical objects: physical media, technological devices, vehicles, so forth, trying to establish that people didn’t own what they bought.

    And the basis of all of this is simply that they wrote some text that they said so. Can you imagine if customers tried something like this? They would be laughed out of the room. It’s a sham. The flimsiest possible pretense of legitimacy. Yet it’s treated as valid because they have the lawyers to defend it while the average customer does not, and governments often neglect their role to advocate in favor of the public.