have done. do recommend.
have done. do recommend.
China and Saudi Arabia still pay 3 to 6K US a month, and it’s even easier to get a teaching job in those countries than japan(taught for a while myself, so I like checking the salaries every now and then)
I agree, he should get out there.
hey, the commenter Snowstorm Is the only comment I see here that is accurate. following those steps is the best way to show romantic interest in someone.
traveling to Asia is like 300 bucks, and hostels are $4 a day. food is a dollar a dish, and you can hang out in parks at the beach or at home and watch movies all day.
living abroad is much cheaper than what you’re paying now.
you said you save most of your paycheck.
If you have a few thousand saved, you can easily live abroad for a year and figure out something you like to do more than a job that sucks around a bunch of people that you don’t like in a situation that’s making you depressed.
whoa, cool, thanks.
another one of those things I never thought of but of course it exists.
I invite you to notice that my comment was less than effusive. I didn’t say they worked well or all the time, but they do work.
he is coming from the states, working trans are going to be very interesting to him.
Germany’s great, the guy from Hamburg is right in that it’ll be weird, then you’ll get used to it.
biergartens, nice parks, beautiful architecture, trains that work, kebabs, its nice.
I’d start studying German now, people will appreciate you even trying to speak the language.
“how else would you know the right thing to do?”
queried by a zealot at a picnic table in the park.
maps.me still keeping it so far, from OSM.
you know what, this is, probably mine also.
I read all the books that were out before the show was even announced, and didn’t realize that the story wasn’t finished.
then the show started and I was like oh well, at least they have to finish the novels before the TV show will be fully produced.
joke was on me.
Heuristic processing, determination based on induction rather than certainty.
let’s use “on the roof again” by as an example, a 90s pop punk song.
ask your brain “who made this song?”
very rapidly it goes
music people!
not all music people.
and discards bands who definitely don’t sound like it: instrumental bands, classical music, slower love ballads, female singers (since the lead singer is a male in this case).
and now there’s a way smaller pool to choose from, so your brain keeps going, matching broad strokes to the broad strokes you remember from the song you’re thinking of, until one band sticks out as the most likely candidate, and usually at the end you can stick that determination to a specific memory you have of looking at the album cover while you listen to the song, or some concrete moment in which a line struck you and that more concrete memory helps confirm your final answer.
this is also why people can remember things “for sure” that turn out to be incorrect, because they’ve gone through the heuristic process and determined a most likely answer that may not be correct, because it takes much less processing power and time to heuristically determine an answer rather than specifically determining it answer, and heuristic processing does work well most of the time.
They aren’t!
Two things:
1: Americans are not actually very litigious relative to other countries, what you’re referring to is a culture projected by corporate interests violating the rights of individual Americans, interests invested in telling American citizens that they are too litigious, resulting in citizens who will therefore abstain from legally defending their rights when those rights are violated, which is happening constantly and to a degree that Americans should be far more litigious than they are.
2: legal advertising became legal less than 50 years ago in the United States, because it’s obviously unethical and societally harmful. at this point, legal advertising is basically unregulated in the US.
Because The US allows legal commercials and advertisements on billboards and very importantly, American culture is the salient exported culture globally, lawsuits seem wider spread in the US and US culture than they actually are.
every time first
I don’t know if I would take that as the only option, but if I had to choose a game, roaming around beautiful landscapes with great music and helping recently departed spirits conclude their journeys on my farm boat sounds like a pretty good way to spend the next era until the next consciousness transference method comes along.
those are real? Kanye explicitly said he’s a Nazi and he turned down make a wish kids?
I’ve never used Twitter and don’t know enough to tell the real tweet from a not real tweet.
oh, yep, the New York times wrote about them and that shit is real.
I voted against Trump,
you elected Trump.
You’re the problem.
has anyone asked what Luigi thinks about this?