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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • In my 20’s I was all for it. I understand where the techbros are coming from. Now with over a decade more experience, I see clearly we need to spend so much more of our energy healing from traumas on the societal level: To dispel imperial-colonialist mindsets. Im thinkin of Bo Burningham speaking about how the empires exhausted all physical territory, and then discovered Data, going on to colonize every waking moment of our attention.

    We need to shed the subconcious conquistador, with all it’s machismo, all it’s tribalism (most agregiously white supremacist nationalism) and covetous paranoia. It is a poison which will prevent us from making the societal leap from which all tides would rise.

    Until we do that, all we’ll get for this tech will be:

    • dystopic labor camp colonies on Mars
    • advertisements when we are trying to dream
    • Military tech developed under the guise of “medical 🌈 disabilities 🌈 quality 🌈 of 🌈 life 🌈 improvement 🌈 research” [1]

    And we collectively deserve better

    1: DeathPanel Podcast | Wheelchair-to-Warfare Pipeline

  • Oh honey. Oh no that wasnt an insult. Id be more creative! I was stating a fact. Your posting history shows us that you the Phantasm of scapegoat is allowing you to stand on both sides of the contradiction, simultaneously.

    So, you can keep going down this path youre on. We both know where it leads though. Loneliness, and nothing good.

    OR: Watch this Kratos lookin guy break down what’s been going on in this area of thought for over a decade, and begin to heal, and then maybe you’ll be able to make friends with people without expecting anything in return.

    You deserve that. You deserve to be on both sides of that, and not the phantasm.

  • The Atlantic huh? Alright then, The Atlantic, I’ll remember your name and that you published a piece concluding people are powerless to affect change.

    Now (steelman) can I square this with the sentiment from Propaghandi’s “A People’s History of the World”:

    …we’ll have to teach ourselves to analyze and understand
    the systems of thought-control.
    And share it with each other,
    never sayed by brass rings or the threat of penalty.
    I’ll promise you- you promise me- not to sell each
    other out to murderers, to thieves.
    . who’ve manufactured our delusion that you and me
    participate meaningfully in the process of running
    our own lives. Yeah, you can vote however the fuck
    you want, but power still calls all the shots.
    And believe it or not, even if
    (real) democracy broke loose,
    power could/would just “make the economy scream” until we vote responsibly.

    Does this apply here? The song is talking about ballot boxes and corporate explotation on a nation-state imperialist. The topic at hand is to do with the corporate exploitation on a worldwide colonization-of-attention level.

    So i think the way I best square this question, do we have the ability to do something about it, is this:

    Yes. You can do something. Not in the way that popular media depicts the french revolution. Revolution will instead be boring. In fact, IS: Change minds. Change your own mind about whatever forms of domination you have accepted as just. Demand to know who made OpenAI king. While you’re at it, demand to know why it was just for Imperialist campaigns by “superpowers” justified The Contras. It’s a history lesson we can learn from, believe it or not.

    Will you stay down on your knees, or does power still call all the shots?

  • This is Not news for queer* people.

    I am in this instance using “Queer” to mean an umbrella for all who are othered by society.

    I’m telling you that people with lifelong chronic disability, people who are sex workers, and people who are dispropotionately targeted by the law enforcement or the state, AND disenfranchised casually in everyday society because of their appearance and/or melanin levels…All have networks of contacts they have relied on for over a decade in many cases.

    It was easy for me to get off Twitter but for a lot of people I care about, it’d mean severing so many important bonds…and I just thought this sentiment is something that someone reading might apply too, as well

  • Its the Data harvesting that’s irking me. Not that data harvesting is new; but that i have a dreadful sense of M$’ “AI” scheming just crosses a rubicon of data harvesting.

    I’m backing away slowly. Dont care what games or executables i wont be able to run. Get ready for the accusations that im the “radical arch-loving myopic lemmy elite”: it’s finally time to run *nix as host.