Hi! :)

Nazis and tankies can fuck off.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • To be fair, the hardware is excellent. Overpriced as hell, especially considering that you can’t upgrade it yourself and the prices Apple charges for RAM and storage are ridiculous, but you can’t really argue with the quality. The locked-down, inflexible software and basically forcing you buy into the whole ecosystem if you want your devices to work together is the issue.

  • ahornsirup@sopuli.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldIt's coming back to me
    2 months ago

    All search engines suffer from enshittification because the web at large does. Switching search engines won’t help escape it, Google’s results are getting worse because the internet as a whole is. Bing’s and DuckDuckGo’s results are just as bad. And unless someone comes up with a reliable way of filtering AI generated SEO crap from searches, it’s only going to get worse.

  • Norway is not and never was socialist.

    Edit: on reflection we are squabbling over definitions here. Seems rather pointless, and I didn’t mean to be as … aggressive as I probably came across. I’ve just seen more than my share of people on Lemmy genuinely advocating for USSR style systems, so I probably overreacted a bit.

  • Not pictured: systemic and brutal oppression of any hint of even unorganised opposition.

    You Americans really need to take a look at the socialist countries you’re extolling, life in them was genuinely terrifying. Keep your nose down, saying anything remotely critical in front of the wrong person could completely ruin your life, and the lives of your friends and family as well.

  • My rule of thumb is if there’s no in-character reason to do something in a game, I won’t do it. I have played psychopathic characters who will murder everyone at the slightest provocation, but I’ll not reload after murdering while playing one of those. And on good-aligned or even just sane characters I won’t murder NPCs just for being slightly annoying.

  • You’re not wrong, but at least there’s a chance that they’ll be released, and with therapy they might even have a normal life again some day. If you kill someone, they’re dead. Nothing you can do about it beyond maybe putting an “Oops, our bad, sorry about that” plaque on their headstone.

    I will also say that prisons should not be cruel. The role of prisons should be rehabilitation, protection of society from those who can’t be rehabilitated, and lastly (and for once actually least importantly) punishment.