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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t have a horse in this race (I’m Canadian), but this reads to me like a bad joke, not a serious attempt at breast-enlargement hypnotism.

    It was always terrible to make sexist jokes like this, but we’ve come a long way since #MeToo in 2017 to start challenging some of the systems of the patriarchy. In 2013, I’m pretty sure people would have agreed the joke was in bad taste, but I don’t think anyone would have been cancelled for it.

    If we start retroactively cancelling people for things they said decades ago, then that’ll basically include all comedians and likely most people with lots of video footage of them in general. (Have you tried watching any fiction shows from the 90s or even early 00s lately? They all have intolerable sexism, to me anyway.) Isn’t it a good thing that people are changing with the times, and becoming more aware?

    (Note: I have no idea who this is, so maybe I’m missing some important context.)

  • But then you need to know enough about the topic already to know what is stable and what changes with newer versions.

    Like, the “web dev boot camp” course I got from UDemy a few years ago as a guide for building a web dev high school course: I recently went back to to look something up, and the whole thing has been completely redone start to finish. Makes sense, considering that it’s updated to the newest versions of Bootstrap and other libraries (and who knows what else).

    I know nothing about Rust, but I would assume there are at least some libraries that have major new versions in the last couple of years which might change best practices somehow? idk. But the harder part is not knowing what you don’t know.

  • Grading in red is generally avoided, nowadays. Red is closely associated with failure/danger/bad, and feedback should generally be constructive to help students learn and grow.

    I usually like to grade in a bright colour that students are unlikely to pick: purple, green, pink, orange, or maybe light blue (if most students are working in pencil). Brown is poo. Black and dark blue are too common. Yellow is illegible. Red is aggressive.

    Anyway, I’m guessing they just graded everything in green. The only time I’ve ever graded in more than one colour was when I needed to subgrade different categories of grades, like thinking/communication/knowledge/application. In that case, choosing a consistent colour for each category makes it easier to score.

  • I feel like calling it a “metric” is borderline clickbait since P(doom) isn’t measurable. It isn’t even Bayesian.

    Still, it’s an interesting article and discussion point.

    I’m in the low-P(doom) camp. There are a lot of vested interests in maintaining the status quo, and there’s no reason to expect AI to develop a benefit/cost function that leads to the destruction of humanity or civilization.

    If anything, I think we’ll end up in an AI-driven utopia, where most of the work necessary to live is done by machines.

  • Est-ce que je peux vous demandez un question à propos du français? J’essaye d’apprendre le français, mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu as dit “j’ai pas”. J’ai pensé que c’est “je n’ai pas”. Est-ce que “je n’ai pas” est plus formel ou ancien?

    Et je suis désolée que vous n’ayez pas dormi très bien. C’est nul! J’espère que vous avez passé un bon moment avec vos amis!

    GBoard et (un peu de Google Translate) m’ont aidé à écrire ce post.