1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. If you have to be a dick, be the least amount possible.
  3. Failing that, see 1.
  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2020


  • My wife and I recently moved to a smaller town in the Northeast from Colorado. It’s been an adjustment, but honestly I’ve found some wonderful communities here supporting each other much more than I had out West.

    This isn’t to say that it’s a hellhole out there. It’s more that I wasn’t expecting to find it here, which gave me a bit of a recheck to my thoughts on the state of things.

    It also isn’t perfect, but I’m not letting that bring down the hope it brought me.

    Now back to being jaded 🙃

  • Fair point! Its been a while since I heard this in my childhood, but I remember them explicitly telling us “it rained” without any other source.

    Granted, we were children lol but if the artist had a Sunday school like mine then that likely is the basis for missing that bit 🙃

  • Was doing deliveries in college, considered the fastest one there. This was due to be actively running orders to houses / apartments.

    Well, one such occasion I was coming back through a dark parking lot and thought I had another foot before the curb. Proceeded to land on the side of my ankle and roll to the ground. Figured it was fine (forgot adrenaline was a thing) so I got back to the car and drove to the store. Manager told me to go home lol.

    Getting home, finally pulled off the shoes and socks and, boy oh boy, there was a softball in my ankle. University med clinic said it was just a severe sprain and to just keep off it.

    To this day, 10 years on, my ankle is still slightly swollen. I can still run and walk on it though

  • Here’s how I generated the CA:

    # openssl genrsa -des3 -out my-ca.key 2048
    # openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key my-ca.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out my-ca.pem

    I’m sure I’ll receive flak for how I went about it, but importing that pem into the “install certificates” bit of the settings works like a charm.