• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The tools on the page, or the page itself? this is the example repo graph.

    And then it says this at the bottom,

    #### Why authorize?
    For unauthenticated requests, Github sets a requests rate limit up to [60 requests per hour](https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting). In case the number of requests to collect data is bigger than the rate limit you'll have to authenticate yourself via Github OAuth and authorize our application. After authorization your requests rate limit will be 5,000 requests per hour. Enjoy :)

  • Rat their user to their client

    Assuming you actually mean “Can the client review messages sent on the platform they pay for, so their employees can use it”, yes, they can. Same for MS Teams.

    Why do you think that is “ratting”?

    If you are concerned about what you are messaging a colleague, it probably shouldn’t be messaged on your employer’s chat platform.

    Nothing you do at work, on their network and software, is private

  • I have some vague memory of lyrics, which I am trying to find the song title theyre from. I am pretty certain of the band. Google was of no use.

    I asked ChatGPT. It gave me a song title. Wasn’t correct. It apologised and gave me a different one - again, incorrect. I asked it to provide the lyrics to the song it had suggested. It gave me the correct lyrics for the song it had suggested, but inserted the lyrics I had provided, randomly into the song.

    I said it was wrong - it apologised, and tried again. Rinse repeat.

    I feel part of the issue is LLMs feel they have to provide an answer, and can’t say it doesn’t know the answer. Which highlights a huge limitation of these systems - they can’t know if something is right or wrong. Where these systems suggest can index and parse vast amounts of data and suggest you can ask it questions about that data, fundamentally (imo) it needs to be able to say “I dont have the data to provide that answer”