Seriously people, use the fucking fan. It clears away odors and covers up the sounds of your dropping a deuce. If you want to stew in your shit smell and revel in the music of your magical poop plops, do so in the comfort of your own home. If you’re a guest and the bathroom has a fan, turn it on. We don’t want to share.
Do you ask your guests to turn the fan on, or just passive aggressively whine about it when they leave?
You can wire bathroom fans to always come on when the light is on. I recommend it.
I shit in the dark.
How do you know when to stop wiping?
Blind people smell the paper. Since I learned this, I do it too. Olfactory is a better standard than visual for this.
Like the Ozzy Osbourne song.
I mean, you can stick a light switch with a motion sensor on it that’ll flip on automatically.
Probably easier to make your machine do what you want than it is to make global human behavior be what you want.
Probably easier to just not invite shit-sharing assholes.
Its global human behavior to share your shit smells with the group?
After a recent renovation, our new exaust fan is much quieter, and it kind of bugs me. It is nice to be able to leave it running longer, though. The old one was too obnoxiously loud to leave on after you finished a shower.
I like the extra noise. Not that I need cover or anything.
I always run the fan for the same reasons (and prefer a noisier fan) but it doesn’t actually cover the sound outside the bathroom. It just gives you the impression that it does.
grunting noises
I have no Windows or fans in my collage dorm bathroom
I use my rooms desk fan and play music at all times
I like to imagine your guest has a Lemmy account and was browsing while doing a fanless poop 💩
Luckily, while this has happened in the past, there isn’t a recent incident tied to this post.
gotta appreciate finnish home design, usually all ventilation systems have exhaust in the toilet/bathroom and intakes in other rooms. no need to switch anything on or off when pooping. also less mold.
The fans are there for moisture not smell.
They can deal with both.
The smell is often also moist.