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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It might be theoretically possible where there is cell service, but keep in mind that a lot of homeless people do not have and are unable to get bank accounts. De-banking can be and is used as a tool to control people generally. Being cashless might be benign if you are in a situation where the banks, financial apps, and governments can be trusted not to weaponize their absolute control over everyone’s money, but in many places they cannot.

  • But fuel taxes are not protecting the environment. They are not high enough to fund environmental remediation, nor do they cover the costs of other externalities of road travel like pavement damage, accidents, and congestion

    So raise them?

    Transportation analysts record travel distance using a variety of methods that require equipment ranging from vehicle odometers to GPS-based technology.

    I am deeply uncomfortable with this. It is already a huge privacy problem that new vehicles come with all sorts of tracking systems that transmit information remotely, but at least having these enabled isn’t a legal obligation. If such a bill is passed I would say there is a 100% chance that this will also be used to prevent people from opting out from mass surveillance of their movements under the pretext of tax compliance.

    As an alternative, what about instead taxing companies for the commutes and business travel of their employees? In that case it isn’t necessary to track vehicles on an individual basis, instead you keep track of where employees live relative to their workplaces and work from home rates. I understand commercial trucking is already generally tracked, and that is the biggest impact on wearing down the roads, so tax that too. You don’t need to be forcing individuals to regularly check in with the government about where they’ve been and how much they have been traveling.

  • I think a lot of people on hearing this sort of thing once or twice will shut off the game and never play again. To me it seems like a similar kind of situation to a website like a Lemmy instance that removes all the csam spam that gets posted, but not fast enough that most people never see it. In that situation you can’t tell users “just report and block”, there is still a big problem and there is no one that can take responsibility for it other than the people operating the service.

    I played thousands of games of Dota 2, and in that time I heard a woman speak probably like 5 times total, which honestly is very understandable on their part, but still unfortunate. Would be nice to play online games that are not de-facto filtering out everyone who isn’t willing to tolerate being periodically subjected to verbal abuse, especially when it’s extreme forms of verbal abuse.