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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • not to me.

    I stayed in a college town for a summer in a state college prep type program, so I would have been at the perfect age to really enjoy the “college town” experience. it’s not really for me. and it doesn’t really have much of anything to do with the town itself. I liked the place that I stayed in. however driving over 30 minutes to go to a place as middling as a japanese restaurant was not so appealing. having services around is important to me, so unless it’s a giant college town like lexington, ky I’m not going to be interested.

    ps. I’m not going to live in lexington because lexington sucks.

  • I could have told them that. congress knows about school shootings and child poverty and healthcare and ineffective methods of teaching and they overwhelmingly choose not to do anything about it.

    legislating mentions of homosexuality and transgenders out education doesn’t protect kids. refusing to acknowledge history to “protect” one subset of kids feelings doesn’t protect kids. and using kids as political chips because they don’t have agency doesn’t protect kids. it really and solely protects the old establishment which is becoming smaller and more irrelevant to society every day.

    I don’t have kids myself but I would tell them that anyone who claims to speak for you you need to listen to what they are saying and decide for yourself if they are speaking for you. because I am for damn sure the vast majority are only appealing to the parents, not the kids.