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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024

  • doctortran@lemm.eetolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAs it should be
    5 days ago

    That’s generally what you hear from people who have basic use cases and simply can’t fathom other people may want or need different things from their devices.

    Which is fine, they don’t have to understand. If stock is good enough for them nowadays, more power to them.

    What I’m sick of is the condescension. This bizarre thing where they somehow think a person wanting control over a device they paid for is worthy of derision or shame.

    It’s like if someone who only checks their email on their laptop laughing at someone using a desktop for heavier work, for no real reason other than thinking using technology differently than themselves is silly.

    That other comment is a perfect example, and indictive of this weird subculture in Android spaces that hates Google but seems to be drinking from the same user-hostile Kool aid.

    Personally, I’m an odd case, in that I didn’t used to root or use custom ROMs at all until recent years. Basically since Android 10, simply to get around the needless roadblocks and restore the functions I want. I was fine with stock for a long time, until Google started becoming Apple.

  • The notion of “summer reddit” went hand in hand with notion of “mom’s basement” and even “touch grass” in a way.

    Namely, all are dated ideas from millennials that are still thinking the person on the other end of the comment is sitting in front of a computer, as the default. It ignores the simple fact we all have the internet in our pockets and can be chronically online AND actually out in the world doing things at the same time.

  • doctortran@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEarbuds
    10 days ago

    Bless the few companies out there still putting them (and the SD card slot) into Androids, but even they’re getting more and more scarce. I need to upgrade soon and I’ve never felt my opinions were so limited, let alone combining with other things like network compatibility, unlockable bootloader, etc.

    It used to be anti-Apple. You use to have so many options, and so much freedom.

  • For example, imagine a post where three users comment:

    One posts a heated stream of idiocy, falsehoods, and outright nastiness, thinly veiled bigotry and other garbage. Paragraphs of it, all poorly written.

    Another is some basic comment not saying anything of any real consequence. Completely mundane to the point no one has upvoted it, but it is perfectly harmless.

    The final is a comment with some meat on it and something to add to the conversation, but unfortunately they arrived too late to the thread. No one saw it, so no one upvoted it.

    Without downvotes, all three of these comments are treated exactly the same.

    I get downvotes can suck sometimes but they’re a valuable aspect to this system and removing them does not make the place better.

    I’d argue what people need to do if these things are genuinely bothering them is turn off the scores entirely and learn to live without them. It’s better for your mental health.

  • Will provide singular answers, with no sources, that no one else can see and therefore no one else can fact check, correct, or improve upon.

    Then, instead of being posted publicly for others to find and searches to index, those answers will disappear into the ether, so that no other users get that answer unless they too do an AI search from the same provider.

    And all of this at the expense of every website and content creator who no longer even gets seen in a search engine, let alone page views. At the expense of every writer whose words will never be seen, only thrown in a pile of words and remixed, then vomited back out. And at the expense not the environment that will suffer to power all of this wasteful, needless garbage.

    This is going to be a disaster for the internet as a whole, and it’s really sad how many people can’t understand this. Tech bros continue to fundamentally misunderstand what makes the internet valuable isn’t code, it’s humans.

  • doctortran@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldInto the Memeverse
    21 days ago


    Can’t even escape srgrafo’s pandering, lazy garbage on Lemmy.

    This has the same energy as early YouTube where channels would “crossover”, i.e. YouTuber stands in the doorway of their room talking to no one on camera, and another YouTuber talks to no one off camera, then edits them together.

  • doctortran@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldInto the Memeverse
    20 days ago

    That’s literally always been him. The whole time.

    His lazy comics were always spam to attract attention to his profile where he sold merch and took commissions for loli shit.

    Edit: Interesting the above comment was removed. That also tends to happen on reddit any time someone draws attention to who this guy actually is.

  • This is more or less how it worked on Reddit. The admins handled vote spam or abuse, there was absolutely no expectation for moderators to have that information because the admins were dealing with the abuse cases. Moderators only concerned themselves with content and comments, the voting was the heart of how the whole thing works, and therefore only admins could see and affect them. Least privilege, basically.

    I think a side effect of this, though, is that it increases the responsibility on admins to only federate with instances that have active and cooperative admins. It increases their responsibilities and demands active monitoring, which isn’t a bad thing, but I worry about how the instances that federates openly by default will continue to operate.

    If you have to trust the admins, how do you handle new admins, or increasingly absent ones? What if their standards for what constitutes “harassment” don’t match yours? Does the whole instances get defederated? What if it’s a large instance, where communities will be cut off?

    I don’t ask any of this as a way to put down this effort because I very, very much want to see this change, but there’s gonna be hurtles that have to be overcome

    Ultimately I think the best solution would need assistance from the devs but I’m lieu of that, we have to make due.

  • Admins only. Letting mods see it just invites them to share it on a discord channel or some shit. The point is the number of people that can actually see the votes needs to be very small and trusted, and preferably tied to a internal standard for when those things need acted upon.

    The inherent issue is public votes allow countless methods of interpreting that information, which can be acted on with impunity by bad actors of all kinds, from outside and within. Either by harassment or undue bans. It’s especially bad for the instances that fuck with vote counts. Both are problems.

  • Sure, but by the same token, mods are just as capable of manipulation and targeted harassment when they can curate the voting and react based on votes.

    On reddit, votes are only visible to the admins, and the admins would take care of this type of thing when they saw it (or it tripped some kind of automated something or other). But they still had the foresight not to let moderators or users see those votes.

    Complete anonymity across the board won’t work but they’re definitely needs to be something better than it is now.

  • Problem with Tuta for me is its too closed off.

    Proton at least offers an IMAP bridge, Tuta utterly refuses to let you use your email outside their apps, which makes it more of a messaging app. And the fact there’s no way to export everything easily or even forward messages rubs me the wrong way. I tried them and have been using them for about 2 years but I’d definitely love to get away from it.

    I’m tired of these walled gardens. I don’t give a damn how secure it is, if I can’t leave it with my shit, then no thanks.