• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • While “having fur and producing milk” may have been the original description of mammals, biology no longer classifies things that way.

    Today, all of the classification is based on Clades, which can be established by doing DNA investigation (similarity matching). So, “mammals” are defined as a clade. And whether somebody falls into it or not depends on their DNA similarity. And coconut clearly do not belong into there.

  • Regarding the problem of running out of oil, I look at it a bit like, “we are a plant (biological plant)”.

    The plant starts in a seed, which provides it with nutrients (energy) as some kind of starting bonus. It can use these nutrients to develop itself and live, but it will recognize that at some point it will run out of calories and die. So it has to do something about it. What it does, is to develop leaves. These leaves collect the sunlight and this way, the plant has a constant and continuous source of energy/calories. So it can keep on living.

    Society has a very similar problem. We have oil, but it is limited. We can use it to develop, but eventually we’re gonna run out of it. So we have to do something about it. Just like a plant, we develop solar panels to collect the sunlight, so we have a continuous income of energy. This way we can live waaay beyond the time of our starting bonus.