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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • You sound like everyone who has ever seen me menu spells in a KH speedrun. You sound like someone who turns weapons off in ULTRAKILL. Neither of these are explicitly bad things, but the system in place (a scrollable selection menu in real-time) can be utilized at the same level of efficiency as a spell wheel; you just need to exercise your memory when you set up and when you use your belt items.

    There’s a lot of titles that allow you to pause and utilize your menu. Dragon’s Dogma 2, for instance, allows you to pause at 0 HP and still use healing items, so long as you haven’t finished your dying animation or been knocked flat.

    Dark Souls and similar games make a deliberate choice in keeping the game in real time when you menu, and there’s a lot of truly functional items you can keep on your belt to help those weapons: status items can help you finish applying a status when an enemy leaps back, the physick, stamina regeneration, many extremely powerful effects that they want a small execution and collection barrier on. Alone in the Dark (5) had a real-time menu like this too far before it was popular, and people complained bitterly about it, so I get where the complaint comes from.

    Without dramatically reducing your available options or developing a completely different system of menus, the controls can’t really be less “clunky”. If horizon’s wheel and DaS’s menu aren’t for you, you may just not like how action RPGs control. If it’s about needing time for the menu, these specific titles may not really be up your alley. There’s a TON of games that operate the way you’re expecting, and at this point the community and developer alike are committed to sustaining this experience that provides friction. Friction is basically how you talk, from a design standpoint, about the difficulty of the game and why it’s present and what it does functionally.

    If you don’t understand how friction and fun are related, the game was unironically not made for you, and misunderstanding that or not being eloquent enough to explain that has led to the “git gud” divide. The menus are meant to provide friction. The combat animations and the period you must wait before acting again provide friction. Being a relatively heavy RPG, you can overcome friction multiple ways, either through developed personal skill or overleveling or picking tools that the boss isn’t equipped to handle or statuses it’s weak to.

    TL;DR of course the menus are clunky dude they’re based on a decades-long tradition of interfaces that provide gameplay fun. The fun is there for a grand majority of people, if you’re not having fun with the ball-crusher, nobody is making you use it.

  • The same thing actually passing a turing test would require. You’ve obviously read the words “Turing test” somewhere and thought you understood what it meant, but no robot we’ve ever produced as a species has passed the turing test. It EXPLICITLY requires that intelligence equal to (or indistinguishable from) HUMAN intelligence is shown. Without a liar reading responses, no AI we’ll produce for decades will pass the turing test.

    No large language model has intelligence. They’re just complicated call and response mechanisms that guess what answer we want based on a weighted response system (we tell it directly or tell another machine how to help it “weigh” words in a response). Obviously with anything that requires massive amounts of input or nuance, like language, it’ll only be right about what it was guided on, which is limited to areas it is trained in.

    We don’t have any novel interactions with AI. They are regurgitation engines, bringing forward sentences that aren’t theirs piecemeal. Given ten messages, I’m confident no major LLM would pass a Turing test.

  • homicidalrobot@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldBig Tech Is Faking AI
    3 months ago

    The most popular venues for GPT assisted confidence schemes right now is a tie between discord and twitter. Twitter allows for the utilization of short form response bots in DM and posts, discord has an ongoing AI generated art scam where a robot begs you to comission them so they can make rent. Both have extremely easy to identify playbook/flowchart type responses, and key messages they will always send to push the scam along among their generated chatter. It’s not quite nigerian prince, and it’s only getting more prominent as neither site has a handle on the current con and thus aren’t doing anything to curb it

  • This has never been correct, it isn’t an acronym, it’s a prefix. Metagaming is the art of learning how players typically play a game and has been a concept for a long time. The etymology is simple, the greek “Meta-” meaning beyond and “metagame” referring to the way people play a game developing alongside a game. Look at dota 2, the metagame shifts in large ways when the map does not relatively frequently. When we talk about metagaming in card games, it’s in reference to which cards see the most play regardless of their impact on the game.

  • LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER: youtube reports it annually earns ~14.07 B from ad revenue and over 20B from subscriptions across youtube and youtube music. You are guessing and passing it off as “fact, not opinion”. Ads make youtube almost half as much as the ungodly amount of money they make, and google as a whole could support youtube without ads just fine, they would just make less money (Google’s throughput is extremely negative, most of their money is not put back into the company).

    Your perspective sucks and your opinions are based on misinformation and guesswork.

  • You should write an open letter to hobbyists. It worked for Gates. If your software was “stolen for profit” and that didn’t result in more people trying it and buying, I have bad news: it didn’t seem like it was worth the money to the people who tried it. JRC does many studies on piracy and the data shows that total sales are not displaced by piracy volume, again and again. You can make the argument that this is only true for games and music (typically the subject of these studies) but this hardline attitude of it being the same as stealing sucks.

  • Discord is quickly becoming a dying service the way skype did. How did skype become a dying service?

    Google ad services integration (Discord already has this): when you chat on discord about anything, your text and recent text from your friends are used to supply GAS keywords. Talk about the voice actor for the blue beetle on discord then type blue beetle in the search bar and check your suggestions.

    Inserting ads INTO the chat client (Discord is beginning to do this): through activities first, then total corporation capitulation, Skype delivered ads to users. Discord has ads in activities already, and won’t allow youtube premium users to skip ads on the watch together activity because they cannot log in. It’s an ad delivery pipeline they nuked user created bots for.

    If you are worried about privacy, discord is literally destroying yours as you use it. Sure, it isn’t bought out entirely by google or microsoft yet, but it might as well be with how much of your data is used to deliver ads rather than enhance your experience. Game a lot? Discord will NEVER suggest new communities on discord to you based on your chat, just advertise to you based on it. Aside from that, discord has obfuscated information that was readily being added to wikis, so wikis that are straight up shit and wrong like fextralife are THRIVING. Seriously, their Nioh wikis are misinformation, their BG3 wiki was wrong on release for a lot of things like shopkeeper inventories and hasn’t been updated whatsoever. DaS3 and elden ring info? Mostly straight up plagiarized info from other sites and a lot of it incorrect.

    Interested in learning specific info for a game? Discord forums on invite only servers have destroyed this. Specific class information for your favorite MMO? Join that class discord from the game’s community discord, wait for someone to give you the role (or if you are extremely lucky, react role in), and PRAY the pinned info is in date. Specific character in a fighting game? Better hope it’s in anime airdasher, because outside of dustloop (which also has a discord you must weather for up to date info) all that shit is in discord forums you have to daisy-chain to get info.

    TL;DR discord has pushed a bunch of features exclusively to destroy privacy and obtain google money, and a bunch of others are clearly “well the developers need to be working on SOMETHING” changes, like username ID reassignments. The numbered usernames are still visible. They weren’t removed. Why did they change? Not for security or ease of use, that’s for sure