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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • And don’t confuse high budget indie studios with AAA game developers

    On the other hand, there are a lot of publishers out there who really shouldn’t have things called indie when they’re involved.

    The ones who have struck gold (perhaps multiple times) and are already worth multiple millions, publicly traded or even owned largely by investment firms. Some like this still footing everything on the players (crowdfunding and then early access) and on top of all of that going onto places like Imgur and Reddit and doing unpaid marketing there (doesn’t seem great for the actual devs, and then there are things like multiple accounts/sockpuppets/deleting+reposting etc).

    And even without the unpaid marketing stuff, a publisher has a lot of ways to screw over developers and/or players usually with the goal of money in some form.

  • Reminder on Stockholm syndrome:

    According to accounts by Kristin Enmark, one of the hostages, the police were acting incompetently, with little care for the hostages’ safety.
    She had criticized the police for pointing guns at the convicts while the hostages were in the line of fire, and she had told news outlets that one of the captors tried to protect the hostages from being caught in the crossfire
    but the prime minister [Palme] told her that she would have to content herself with dying at her post rather than Palme giving in to the captors’ demands.
    Ultimately, Enmark explained she was more afraid of the police, whose attitude seemed to be a much larger, direct threat to her life than the robbers.

    Which could possibly be relevant here.

  • I am pretty much the opposite. I have been burned in the past… things like difficulty (esp. co-op games not really adapted at all for single-player), inventory/loot, hunger etc being annoying. Or sometimes games start out fine and then just eventually lose me.

    In fact for some games without much replay value I’ll just watch a let’s play of it and get 90% (or perhaps better because it’s not me dealing with nonsense) of the experience.

    Then again, I also just have mostly stopped buying games. And the last thing I bought off Steam (in 2020) was one of those things I wanted for a while and it ended up being a disappointment for me.

  • Long enough to accept it. Lots of reasons that ultimately add up to being an inadequate person, but also no transportation/income in a semi-rural area (also health/personality issues) so I’m a shut-in and thus don’t ever meet people. That said, even in school/college it’s not like I ever really made strong connections with people, romantic or otherwise. Non-religious in USA (esp. given rural) certainly doesn’t (and more so didn’t) help with a dating pool either.

    And even if none of those were issues, I’m just not that interesting. I suspect the people who might like to be around me are probably also in their house more-often-than-not, and not within any distance/likelihood of meeting.

  • Huh, I’m using technology as an escape from woodworking. Lack of space/tools and a few times when I tried to do something the wood was too seasoned (last thing I tried was whittling hoping to do it in my room anytime and not have dust as an issue, cheap folding knife probably didn’t help)

    Well not fully true on the escape part, I just drop things really easy when I run into issues like that. Well that and I haven’t done anything noteworthy with technology or woodworking.

  • I just checked, apparently we have a ~16 gallon can (15 7/8ths*) and use 33gal bags. It doesn’t seem that much bigger (bc volume) but an overfilled bag will still have room in it when removed (it’s useful for last-minute additions on garbage day).

    I don’t know if you need to go this far, but maybe it is why they still fit the can properly with the not-expected-fit orientation like I described to prevent overfilling. 30gal might work, I guess it seems there isn’t much choice here though (otherwise I’d say try 5-10gal/~20% higher rather than double).

    *= Rubbermaid 3541, “Slim Jim” not cheap for plastic but we’ve had it for years so I’m not sure if it was that expensive when it was purchased

  • My point is, going by the language in what you linked, the manufacturer you went with sells neither electronic devices nor devices that facilitate the use of any liquids/oils. So it does seem like their dumb policy/cautiousness not them being forced, though I am not a lawyer. Even being strict, if there was a device they sold that fell under the law I think it’d be the torches, as you said if someone has a lighter and material+paper or anything else that’s all that’s needed for smoking.

    I was pointing out another manufacturer (quite popular/known and they only do electronic stuff, but AFAIK nothing for liquid/oils) and they have not bothered with this policy at all. They do allow the customer to request a signature check, but that’s all I see.

  • I could see it in the specific case of a cheap (steam) vape pen purchased without debit/bank card off of a general store site. They check the mail and pocket it, get vape juice from somebody. Charge+fill and it’s ready in a pocket or backpack etc. Similar for concentrates, portable dry vaporizers (or something like dynavap) maybe a bit less.

    A $100+ desktop dry vaporizer purchased from a dedicated website seems like it’d be harder to hide unless parents are really inattentive. Miss the credit/debit record, miss the delivery at the door, then them carrying it in (+branded boxes), a dedicated spot in their room where it’s plugged in, and an almost ritual to properly heat up the glass/material that might give it away (glass clinking, balloon bag filling, fan on/off etc).

  • It doesn’t seem to work for me either, then again I have tinkered a bit with Nim and never known when to use that (though not the first I’ve heard of :=) and thus I never have.

    Does it look like a normal assignment? (like var test:string = "wow" or even just test = "wow")
    If so, have you tried just replacing := with =?

    But why does this example contain such an operator

    Good question! I’ll tell you…

    …I don’t know.

    EDIT: I do see someone say

    := to avoid declaring types

    though this is cached on Quora (I couldn’t find the full context) so I’d say this is not a required (or even probably a good) practice to do. I don’t consider myself a programmer and even still, defining types seems like an easy thing most of the time.

    Also it may not even be strictly necessary? I think the compiler will at least sometimes infer types during normal assignment, not that you should rely on that. If I had to guess, possibly this operator was removed in 2.0 (or possibly regression).

  • If some cool person offered to “fling my head into the future” for free and had some shiny cryo tanks and no blood on the floor? Yeah, I’d take that chance and wouldn’t ask if they’re allowed to be doin’ that.

    The tech now and even the tech when revived may be unlikely, but the bigger worry for me is probably if existing then would actually turn out great or not (especially without some contract to put me somewhere suitable before revival and prevent some bad outcomes, if it even happened). Ideally it would be a new way of life, or perhaps having several types of experience easily tried/swapped.