
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • See, when I was in school, they didn’t teach fail fast and if anything they told you not to. Nowadays, we have moved past that nonsense. I gave it a shot about a year ago, and it has made me a better programmer. I am not going to sit there and count braces, but things are a lot easier when you get the error cases over with and out of the way.

    There are always going to be exceptions, but I have personally found a lot of value in using ‘fail fast’, and making more smaller methods that say what they do. I am not always great at that second part, but it is a process. As someone with severe ADHD, it has made it a lot easier to work through problems. Sure, you can end up with more lines of code, but who cares. Compiler should be optimizing most of that shit out anyway.

  • I have a lot of allergies and certain detergents, especially Gain, will cause me to wheeze and break out into hives. I have walked into or near stores where the employees doused it in so much fragrance that I immediately have an asthma response and run away. Hell, sometimes those automated bathroom sprays set me off.

    For me, if my clothes smell like nothing, they are generally considered clean. The worst is when someone visits and the incredibly strong fragrances from their clothes stick to the furniture or bed. Thankfully this issue has been resolved through communication.

    Companies are not required to tell you what madness is in their fragrances. Banning them is one thing, but finally regulating and doing more studies on the negative effects would be a start. Stopping stores from spraying it on clothes and in general would be nice too.

  • The whole thing is fucked all to hell and we have a whole bunch of people afraid of the other gender perpetuating this nightmare of violence, abuse, unhinged reality, and inequality. These violent delights, have violent ends.

    However, we can choose to see the beauty in the world. We can love each other, laugh, teach, revel in the mysteries, and hold each other in comfort. There is so much we have achieved as a species, but we are also so good at holding ourselves back. Sometimes, we just need to crash in to each other. To get some kind of connection, even if it is the wrong one.

    There is so much more to say, but painting the universe takes time. Go. Be beautiful my friend, and good night.

  • When you opt-out with Experian, your information is not deleted from the Experian marketing database. Experian will mark your record as “Do Not Online Target” for a period of five years. You can renew your opt-out request after this five-year period. If Experian removed your information completely, we would have no way to know your preference.

    What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? No way to know my preference? How about never! Thank you for letting me know that I have to write another email today and try not to lose my shit. Maybe I will setup an automated message to go out every year or something to “remind” them.