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Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • I solved this by purchasing 2 sets of 15 white cotton rags. When I finish evacuating my bowels, I use the bidet. Then toilet paper to make sure everything is clean. Then I use one of the rags to dry off whatever water happened to get on my genitals, before giving the backside a good wipe down as well (women learn this young, but for the men, ALWAYS CLEAN FRONT TO BACK. NEVER BACK TO FRONT. That’s how you get a UTI). Toss the rag into a small laundry hamper I keep in the bathroom, and voila! You’re clean, dry, and ready to go. Just wash the rags with some bleach, and you can fold them as you take a dump instead of doom scrolling.

  • “The vast majority of the people in the community did not want these bike lanes and do not want the bike lanes,” he said. “They were just put up there against our will.”

    Fray said that the lost parking spaces on one side of Oceania Street had a ripple effect. Residents who can no longer park there now compete for the spaces elsewhere in the neighborhood. “Everyone here drives,” he said.

    Dumbasses and their wild assumption that everyone is just like them. name a more iconic duo

  • Friday marked 5 years of sobriety from alcohol for me, which was nice. Then on Saturday I went to my city’s pride parade. I asked a friend to come with me, and another friend if they wanted to play a round of disc golf afterwards, but both cancelled. This usually means I wallow in self-pity, but instead I got geared up in my gayest outfit, and enjoyed the festival anyway! it was like 100 degrees, but I was proud to see so many happy people having a great time in one of the most welcoming, accepting environments ever.

  • In Europe, they do a much better job at recycling, because they drive home the importance of sorting the material you recycle yourself. There are multiple bins for different types of recyclable materials, whereas in the US it all goes into a big blue bin. Glass, tin, aluminum, paper, and every kind of plastic, all in one bin. Conventional recycling, that involves shredding the plastic into pellets, and then reforming them into a usable container, is 55-85% effective.

    I feel like all we really need to do is advance recycling at the community level, with different bins. Subsidize mechanical recycling while regulating/limiting use of new plastic in packaging. If your product needs plastic packaging in order to ship, then a regulation should require that packaging be at least a certain percentage recycled. Additionally, they can enact rules around the right to repair your own devices, that could pave the way for legislation aimed at curbing “planned obsolescence” and the production of single-use electric devices like vape pens.

  • When I was in medical school, I had my lab scheduled before lunch time. Which meant that I went straight from dissecting people, to eating. I’d get a big salad, and asked the cafeteria workers to heat up the slices of chicken breast I’d get on the salad. They didn’t like that I asked for it heated up, because it was extra work for them. But after they told me they wouldn’t do it anymore, I said “man, I was just dissecting a person, and this chicken is just way too similar looking to human for me to eat cold, ya feel me?” They ended up heating my chicken.

  • Wow. The video of the Greek official, denying everything during the official interview (whilst seeing video of a migrant woman and her child, forced onto a boat by armed men, who were then left in a dinghy to float towards Turkey), then caught with a hot mic during the break, talking to a colleague, saying:

    “I haven’t told them much, right? It’s very clear, isn’t it. It’s not nuclear physics. I don’t know why they did it in broad daylight… It’s… obviously illegal. It’s an international crime.”

    This migrant crisis will only get worse.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldThe soft hum
    25 days ago

    There is something so damned satisfying about inserting a floppy disk, that the younger generation will never know. It’s like the sound of the needle dropping onto the initial smooth surface of the vinyl record, but even more satisfying because the computer turns into a field machine for a second with all of it’s “KA-CHUNK WHRRRRRR THUNKA THUNKA THUNKA DICT DIT DIT” noises

  • Also Monday, Toyota’s Japanese rival Mazda Motor Corp. reported similar irregular certification testing, and halted production of two models, the Roadster and Mazda 2. It said incorrect engine control software was used in the tests.

    Mazda, based in the southwestern city of Hiroshima, also acknowledged violations on crash tests on three discontinued models. None of the violations affect the vehicles’ safety.

    Tokyo-based Honda Motor Co. also apologized Monday for improper tests, such as those on noise levels and torque, on a range of models. Honda said affected older models — the Accord, Odyssey and Fit — are no longer in production. The safety of the vehicles is not affected, it said.

    Dang, did they all coordinate beforehand? When all of your countries top automakers all admit to wrongdoing on the same day… well I can’t think of punchline to this obvious set-up right now but I’ll come back to it

  • Christina Marie Chapman, 49, of Litchfield Park, Arizona, raised $6.8 million in the scheme, federal prosecutors said in an indictment unsealed Thursday. Chapman allegedly funneled the money to North Korea’s Munitions Industry Department, which is involved in key aspects of North Korea’s weapons program, including its development of ballistic missiles.

    Part of the alleged scheme involved Chapman and co-conspirators compromising the identities of more than 60 people living in the US and using their personal information to get North Koreans IT jobs across more than 300 US companies.

    Dey Terker’ Jerbs!