I am a Meat-Popsicle

  • 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Oh not only will I say no I’ll go one further. I was looking for chef John’s recipe for chicken sausage potato onions but the one pot version. I was hoping to find the YouTube video for it but I couldn’t spell the weird name he gave it. It would only give me the baked version. I did a search and found the web page recipe for it.

    In the web page it started auto-playing the video that I really wanted to see. It pissed me off and I stopped it because I didn’t feel like watching a thumbnail of it without comments or adequate controls. I did an inspect look up the embed ID and left to find it on peer tube.

    Sometimes I want to video for something and just to shut my brain off and take it all in. Sometimes I’m looking for an exact piece of information and I just want to skim as little as possible collect the info and move along.

    If I want one then they give me the other I’m not amused.

  • I moved to a newpipe fork about a year ago. I stopped using their suggestions altogether. I’m not going to lie it was a couple of months before I was able to get used to it. I’ve come to believe that having YouTube on permanent autoplay based on their algorithmic calculations of what I’d want to see is not entirely healthy for me.

    At current, once I’ve watched everything from my chosen creators for the day. That’s it I’m done, I go and find something more useful to do.

    Now I see only the shows from my chosen creators,and if one of those guys recommends a different creator that they enjoy I’ll usually throw a follow in that direction. Very organic very much not in someone’s pocket. I’ve avoided TikTok like the plague. I think that, as much as possible, no companies financial statement should have a serious impact over my content consumption.