u/nexusband on Reddit

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Smaller corporations have it easier, IF they took IT Security serious. For the simple fact, that there are just a lot less entry points and way less whack amole playing.

    And Microsoft never took security as serious as they should have.

    Edith: And I highly doubt, we’ll see a substantial change on Microsoft’s side. 1.: There’s less Money to be made. 2.: In some ways, their hands are tied because of the still ongoing Patriot Act/USA Freedom Act (which is a bullshit name) or rather the safe harbor stuff.

  • Oh i absolutely agree with you. Especially in cosmetics and other “day to day” products that are disposable.

    But that’s also exactly the argument - make companies and customers dispose of these products correctly, because banning PFAS outright will have devastating consequences. (Like 3M just shifting production to China from Europe. Europe had the highest safety and production standards for PTFE - now they are going to be produced in china with absolutely no standards )

    And if there is a proper way to recycle those PFAS, there is no need to shift production to places where there are no standards so you can get a porper goretex jacket (for example), because phasing out PTFE for something other that’s substitutable now has an incentive.

  • And you are arguing that customers become mindless drones that don’t need to think about any consequences when they consume. Which is exactly why we have fucked up the climate.

    Coming back to the purification plant, that’s the same thing if everyone would go shit in the Neighbors garden and flushing down anything down the toilet. We don’t do that, because we know it would fuck up the purification plant, clogg the toilet and turn the garden in to a literal dump.

    Choosing what you buy is also the same thing as choosing what to eat. Sure, if you don’t know any better you may just eat junk food all day long. But the consequences are going to haunt you very much.

  • Is there really no alternative in shampoo & disposable coffee cups?

    There is - but i personally think it’s up to customers to not just grab what’s on the shelf and do at least some basic research, because PFAS generally have to be marked on the bottle. Disposable coffee cups are just stupid all together.

    This could have been done years ago but if industry can’t self regulate then bans it is.

    I get the sentiment, but why not regulate stuff, before just banning it? And while we’re at it, how about educating the customer?