smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 76 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • my point is that the root of the problem is still the conservatives who use a woman’s soft/high voice as a way to convey a political and social position

    I agree, but doesn’t reacting in opposition to their ill-conceived use of women’s natural voices, and perverting those voices for an agenda, implicitly assume some kind of superiority in softer voices w.r.t women? To me, it seems like saying “these women are putting on this front because softer voices are better on women”.

    I disagree that softer voices are inherently better or more attractive in women, so it doesn’t convey any social or political stance to me that someone does this on purpose to themselves. To me, their use of this type of voice seems like a misguided attempt to box out trans women from a definition of femininity or womanhood, but all they’re really doing is policing themselves for conservative men. I don’t care if they want to be this way for their men! Being that way is not inherently attractive or desirable, and attacking it this way just makes it worse for women who have this type of voice naturally.

    I don’t understand why people let conservative women define any standard or definition of femininity or womanhood. They’re not the arbiters of anything.

  • My problem is that normal everyday women may be judged as fundie or conservative or “trying to be subservient to men” based on something they cannot control, or will have to police.

    Secondly, why are my women “hypothetical”? Are you questioning my motivations by saying that? Please don’t make unnecessary assumptions.

    Again, I realize these conservative women are doing this to their voices on purpose for a specific cultural reason. It’s gross and I am opposed to it. There are however women who have such voices naturally. How will you ever know who does it on purpose or not? Why do we need to attack women for their physiology anyways!?

    How can someone who calls themselves progressive be okay with creating another physiology-based vector that anyone can use to attack common women?

  • Thanks for the correction! Regardless, attacking women on their physiological traits just seems like such a misguided approach to attack someone for their ideas.

    These characteristics exist in women who’ve never been exposed to such fundamental ideas! Policing women’s voices is just another way that conservatives are going to win allies.

    Edit: what some transphobe might say based on Jess Pipers criticism—“apparently trans women cannot get soft voices on HRT, so these woke people want to police women’s voices out of existence.”

    For the love all that is honest and good, I implore people to not attack others on aspects related to their genes and physiology. You’re no better than your ideological enemies then.

    I am having a strong reaction to this post because everything about critiquing and policing something physiological about women just seems so misguided to me. Again, we can attack bad ideas without ad hominem attacks.

  • I am as anti-religion and anti-conservative as anyone, but this piece of writing is absurd.

    To me this seems like another way to attack women for something they cannot help, their physiology. It’s not any different than saying “periods make women crazy”, and the people agreeing with such a take should be ashamed. Why? Because remember how much criticism the Theranos founder received for deliberately deepening her voice? So tell me, how do women who have naturally high-pitched voices because of their vocal physiology win?

    Moreover, trans women develop the same kind of vocal characteristics on HRT, so saying that women are doing this as some of cultural phenomenon is judgmental and wrong. Higher pitched voices are a result of genes and physiology. Attack someone for their ideas, not their genes or characteristics related to their genes. I expect better from progressive discourse, but it seems there are many who make the same mistakes as the people they criticize.

    That said, I realize there are cultures where baby-like characteristics are common in women as part of some cultural niche, but automatically assuming that women are baby-fying themselves is just sexism.

    Edit: I listened to Jess Piper in detail, her voice doesn’t sound any different to me than the voices of women she’s criticizing. What a weird dimension for women to attack other women on, and tbh that’s just a wrong approach to take!

    If you cannot prove that someone does this on purpose, like catching them off guard using a different voice, then this is just women-on-women sexism. It’s not attacking someone on their wrong, abhorrent ideas, but attacking someone based on your assumptions of their personality using some physical characteristic. Does that sound good when written like that? You know who else does that? Conservatives.