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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I would make art, music and painting, and clothes I guess. Maybe write. Play at and run TTRPG events/groups. I would take care of animals, pets or otherwise. I would hang out with friends more and go out to meet new people. Talk about life and try to figure the deepest parts out, instead of figuring out how to just survive.

    I think I’d also like to get into organising parties, and DJing.

    But most of all, I think I’d just follow my desires without fear. Not really worried there should be an end to anything I do, that all should aid me in earning money to survive or have a better life.

    Just live more free I guess.

    Now in a post-capitalist (but not post-work/post-scarcity) society, I’d likely do a lot of the same, in my free time. But if human labor is still necessary for society to function and exist, I’d like to spend my necessary labor either working in some sort of construction or cleaning.

  • One MAJOR reason most people seem to be missing for the October the 7th attack was indeed religious. But maybe not in the way you’d expect…

    Religious Jews and Evangelical Christians are trying to bring about the apocalypse, from the bible. They believe they must rebuild the Temple. Issue is, al-aqsa is in the temple mound and it’s one of the most sacred places for Muslims. Destroying it would start a major war.

    And they started moving to have the third temple rebuilt. There are plans to demolish al-aqsa and start the works. The three red heifers to be sacrificed, turned into ash and used to purify the priests who will start the building work are the first step.

    If you read Hamas’ explanations for the October 7th attack, al-aqsa is a central part of it. It was called al-aqsa flood after all.

    edit: to clarify, there is real material danger to the al-aqsa mosque

  • There’s some evidence Walken and Robert Wagner maybe were having an affair, and Robert and Natalie had a big fight over it. One person on the boat heard a loud noise after they were fighting, and Robert went back to his cabin right after it. But Natalie was taking pills and drinking a lot as well.

    Truth is, the police never really made Robert or Walken to be suspects, even though they are really the only suspects in this. I mean honestly who cares maybe it was just an accident.

    I don’t think Walken personally killed Natalie Woods tho.