• 8 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024


  • I see your point, but I don’t want to be listed as a moderator here, and it shouldn’t be a difficult ask. I’m not listed as a moderator on the other twenty thousand (or however many) lemmy communities I don’t mod, not sure why this would be any different. In addition, I have got no response from the moderator who seems to be the only active one.

    Edit: Look at that list. I suspect many didn’t ask for it. Seems a little dangerous since one of them might want to do something more disruptive than just pin a post complaining about being a mod.

  • That’s why you need strong safety nets to help people transition to new industries or at least to give them a dignified retirement out of the workforce. That’s neither here nor there, if it’s not AI it’ll be the next thing.

    I agree with most of what you wrote in this paragraph, but we have no such strong safety nets. I don’t think the fact that it has happened previously is justification for creating those circumstances again now (or in the future) without concern for how it impacts people. We’re supposed to be getting better as time goes by. (not that we are by many other metrics I can see on a daily basis, but as you say that’s another conversation)

    Genies don’t get put back in bottles, you just learn to regulate and manage the world they leave behind when they come out. And, if you catch it soon enough, maybe you get to it in time to ask for one wish that isn’t just some rich guy’s wet dream.

    I also agree with this.

    But, I find there is plenty of justification to push back and try to slow the proliferation of AI in certain areas while our laws and morality try to catch up.

  • The caveat is that she herself points out that nobody knows whether the jobs created will outnumber the jobs destroyed, or perhaps just be even and result in higher quality jobs. She points out there is no rigorous research on this, and she’s not wrong. There’s mostly either panic or giddy, greedy excitement.

    Even if we take as settled the concept that more jobs will exist in aggregate, I’m doubtful that there’s a likely path for most of the first wave (at least) of people whose jobs are destroyed into one of those jobs “created” by AI. I have nothing to back this up but my gut, however in this case I feel pretty good about that assertion. My point is that their personal tragedy at losing their job is in most cases not going to be alleviated by the new jobs created by this advancement.

    We have no proof that you will not need a human or that AI will get better and fill that blank. Technology doesn’t scale linearly.

    I’ve seen recent AI porn images and I saw what Deepdream was doing a few years ago. I don’t see a reason to think we can’t expect it to get better based on that. 🙂 I also acknowledge that these may be apples and oranges even more than I suspect they are.

    As someone who works in IT (though as I’m sure you can tell I have no expertise whatsoever in machine learning), I still tend to strongly agree with this statement from @maegul@lemmy.ml :

    On the other hand, the tech industry’s overriding presumption that disruption by tech is a natural good and that they’re correctly placed as the actuators of that “good” really needs a lot more mainstream push back.

  • But in the case of email monkeys in corporations and shitty designers and marketeers, maybe she’s got a point along the same lines as “bullshit jobs” logic.

    I get your overall point and don’t disagree.

    The thing is about that specific bit - no job is a bullshit job when it’s what you rely on to pay your bills. Even if you don’t like the job, even if you aren’t the best at it, if it’s keeping a roof over your head, having it arbitrarily erased by some technology that didn’t exist 10 years ago is a pretty shitty thing. And even if that’s somehow an inescapable reality of progress (and I think there is a lot of discussion that could be had about that concept) it’s still shitty for her to portray that as no big deal. I don’t think context makes the comment much less shitty than the headline implies.

    In addition to the fact that as has been pointed out repeatedly, AI learned how to do what it does from the output of the jobs it will now destroy, and without compensation of any kind to the people who created that output.