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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • cracked servers (that dont need a microsoft account and dont use their authentication) are quite common, in fact you dont need “patched” server software to make one, it is literally a setting in the default microsoft provided server!

    you would want some sort of in game authentication through a plugin (spigot, bukkit, etc) to prevent people from claiming to be your username and the server blindly trusting them and getting your stuff stolen though.

  • Eh, I can see your point, and the commentor also mentioned jesus in another comment, which is weird and annoying, but I think in the original comment it was being used as a way to show that this idea has been around for a very long time, and give more credence to their point.

    I would certainly never quote the bible, and it is kinda weird, but I don’t think its bad enough to be worth discarding their main message.

  • it’s addictive, and hard to pack helpful good information into a video that short, and so it just ends up being an infinite stream of completely pointless content. it cannot be good for young children to be swiping through endless shortform content all day, either.

    honestly, i’ve mostly stopped using reddit, and it was kinda shocking switching to lemmy, where i can consume all of the content i am interested in that was posted today, and theres just, no more. it is certainly a healthier way of using social media though.